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Submission + - Skype Bypasses Windows 8.1 Lock Screen 2

ChristW writes: From a blog entry on the Skype website, it is clear that "you can answer calls directly from your lock screen". So, if I lock my Windows PC and walk away, any passer by can answer my personal Skype calls.

Submission + - Quantum-Secure Authentication with a Classical Key (

ChristW writes: This paper describes how a quantum-secure authentication can be achieved using a (physical) key containing a PUF (Physically Uncopyable Function, consisting of a random 3D structure of nano-particles). The setup uses a low photon-count wavefront to make skimming and flooding of the system practically impossible. From one of the authors is also the paper 'Towards more aesthetic forms of cryptography', which is also a good and funny read.

Comment Re:More governmental abuse in Europe (Score 5, Interesting) 129

Well, I live in The Netherlands, and one of the things that we witnessed the last couple of weeks was a new law proposed by the Minister of Safety and Justice (...), Ivo Opstelten. He proposed that people who have encrypted files on their computer should be pressed into giving out their keys, "but only if they are very bad criminals, like when hiding child porn or are terrorists". Oh, so, that's OK then...

Christ van Willegen


Submission + - AdTrap aims to block all internet advertising (

cylonlover writes: AdTrap is a new low-power, zero configuration device which promises to banish adverts from computers, tablets, and anything else connected to the local network. AdTrap’s creators point out that their device works not only with full-sized PCs, but everything else connected to your home internet, such as Apple devices running iOS 6 – and without the need of third-party apps or jailbreaking. In addition to blocking web browser ads, AdTrap is also reported to remove ads from streaming devices like Apple TV and Google TV. A configurable “whitelist” is offered too, so that users can allow adverts on websites of their choice.

Comment Re:Consonance (Score 3, Funny) 183

Yes, there _is_ such a thing as perfect consonance in music, but _not_ on an instrument with restricted frequency generation!

If you sing, or play a flute, or a violin, you're able to generate a much larger range of frequencies than when you play a piano. That way, you can, and should, create 'perfect consonance'. Note that this is a lot harder than 'hitting the right key on the piano'! And if you get it wrong, the beatings get annoying very quickly.

I've been told that 'the only way to get two flautists to play together nicely is to shoot one of them'.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
