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Comment Russian bots did nothing (Score 2, Insightful) 95

Come on, people. The Russians no more affected the 2016 election than my dead grandmother. The outcome was influenced by the fact Hillary was the worst candidate foisted on the American people in the history of the Republic. So, you liberals keep whining about outside influence.

Know what REAL outside influence is? How about a $500,000 Russian donation to the Clinton Foundation for her help in securing uranium mining rights in Canada. Or are you all too stupid to understand that?

Comment Sure.... (Score -1) 80

Because a thousand birds gives a statistically viable sample size. Yeah, okay. Wow, does any researcher know the scientific method nowadays? This is just sad. Can't find enough actual data on global warming so they are using ONE THOUSAND birds as evidence.

Great work, Sparky.

Comment Just 10 million? (Score -1) 252

That's a tiny fraction of the 330 MILLION people in america. And an even smaller fraction of registered voters. You liberals are such fucking babies.
Keep whining. The more you whine and complain, the more people tune you out and the quicker you'll end as a going concern.
Well, except for the Antifa terrorists. We can end them pretty quick, though.

Comment Right. (Score -1) 428

Okay, so Facebook and Twitter is not anti-Conservative. Sure. Listen to Jack and Zuck speak to groups and tell me they are hardcore, retarded liberals who think free speech only works when it's what they believe. Tell that to Milo when Twitter banned him.

Please, keep fucking talking, cretins. Liberal plebs like you always get what's coming to you.

Comment Kinda sad (Score -1) 173

It's sad that praising a kid nowadays makes them lazy. Used to, you had to EARN accolades. Now, not picking your nose for a full day is worthy of a trophy. That's the problem. Kids aren't EARNING accolades. I was always the smartest kid in my class, play 3 sports through HS and restoring old Chevys is a hobby of mine. Being lazy isn't a bad thing, it just means you think through a problem before doing it the same way everyone else does.

Of course, these little snowflakes get trophies for remembering to breathe, so I can't really fault the study.

Comment Yeah, okay. (Score -1) 195

I've had an email address since 1987. I've been working in IT for 20+ years. I've had pagers and phones for at least that long. I've worked in jobs requiring me to be available 24x7x365.

I can still sit and read for hours without thinking about my phone/email/whatever.

Her problem, like lots of people 35 and younger is LACK OF DISCIPLINE. Kids aren't made to sit still for hours and focus on problems. They aren't disciplined enough to put other items aside.

It's sad that parents don't do their damn jobs anymore.

Comment This is what happens (Score -1) 191

when liberals spend every fucking dollar in tax revenue, and then exceed it to the point of $20 TRILLION Federal and untold Billions and Millions in State, County and City taxes. The people who work for a living wait later to have children due to extra financial strain.

If these pathetic liberal motherfuckers would stop spending EVERYONE ELSE"S MONEY, and leaving the country neck deep in debt, this would be less of an issue.
But then, liberals have never been rational. I ask for the millionth time,

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE MONEY RUNS OUT? So far, liberals continue to think money is infinite. Fucking retarded morons.

Comment Will this include black on white crimes? (Score -1) 310

Or blacks killing cops in ambushes like Florida and PA this past week? Or black teens targeting white people? Because if it doesn't it's not a real hate crime DB. It's just an attempt to skew numbers to make it look like white people are the culprits FAR more than they really are.

Liberals are mentally ill. Period.

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