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Comment Google+ (Score 1) 227

You can easily relieve this stress by using Google+ instead of Facebook. On Google+ you can setup said 7 circles without any problem, and drag each friend to the appropriate share group. I am aware Facebook is capable of doing the same, but it is not nearly as easy. For Example, I have Friends, Family, Coworkers, Acquaintances, Following and Public. I then can share whatever, with the appropriate group and not have to worry about the level of censorship.

Comment What do you want? (Score 2) 100

Not sure what many of you want, I hear so much negativity about Amarok.

What I like about Amarok...

It plays all of my music formats, .flac, .mp3, .ogg

It has customizable layouts and sorting options. This cancels out any haters of the Amarok 2.X default layout, saying 1.4 was superior. If you read a little, you would realize you can make it look and act just like 1.4.

MYSQL backend. I can backup/restore my database with ease.

Lyrics, tabs, wiki articles, pictures it is all there if I am curious about a track support

Doesn't bog down your system with large playlists. I can have a playlist of 10 000 songs and it still runs smooth, do that with iTunes and it is sucking system resources like a new born.

In the end it is just a music player, but what do people really want that makes it so horrible and not what it use to be?

Comment The Playbook (Score 2) 354

"For about a year, and Barnes & Noble were almost completely alone in the 7-inch tablet market. It was nice while it lasted."

The Blackberry Playbook is a 7" tablet and has been on the market for over a year now. How come it is never mentioned? I mean, it had it's flaws when first released but has been patched up for the most part now. When the playbook was first released everybody was saying 7" was too small for a tablet. Amazon, Google have each released their 7" and now Apple has been rumored to release a smaller version of the iPad and all of a sudden the 7" is the sweet spot?


Submission + - Backup your tweets with quick and easy access (

pady writes: "Twissues is a web-based tool designed to provide an easy interface for managing and backing up your tweets. Its main features include:

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To join Twissues you must visit and log in using your Twitter username and password. Once registered, all tweets will be imported with immediate access to any topic that you have tweeted about in the past. The system then works automatically to back up any new tweets that are posted from the moment of registration."

Comment Gatekeeper (Score 1) 658

Gatekeeper isn't a virus/malware protector, it is the virus! Or well it is according to the movie "The Net". The writers of that movie should sue the pants off of Apple because they obviously thought of this first... :P

Comment Supply and Demand (Score 1) 284

Electric cars sound great now, but what happens when 60% of the cars out there are electric? We will see electricity prices skyrocket just like gasoline prices. And now not only will driving cost more, it will cost more to power everything else you use as well. In the long run, is it really cheaper to drive electric than gasoline? Also the only way it is cleaner, is if the electricty being generated is from sources like solar, wind or hydroelectric... but at this time that is highly doubtful especially if/when electric cars make up the majority of vehicles on the road.

Comment Value (Score 1) 1

Hollywood wants to make you think that the demise of the movie is due to Internet Piracy, when in reality if it is dying it is because of corporate greed. I use to go to the threatre all the time when it was $4.25 for a movie on Tuesday's. Now, to go to a movie with a date it costs $25 just for the movie, forget about popcorn or anything like that. The people who are screaming that theatres are dying are the people who are afraid of change. Maybe they will have to change their business model to keep people coming out, instead of charging $8 for popcorn. The execs want to make you think it is downloaders and movies becoming freely available via the internet. If that really was the case, movie theatres would have stopped existing in the 50's when the TV became mainstream in peoples homes. It should have happened again in the 80's with the release of the VCR. But theatres survived those pieces of technology and I am confident they will continue to co-exist even with downloads.

Comment Re:99 cents is too much these days (Score -1, Redundant) 149

99 cents is over priced. If an album has 15 songs. That is $15 for the album.... when I can go out and buy the physical cd for $12. So why is it more expensive to buy something that doesn't require shipping, packaging, manufacturing, distribution, no liner notes, or a physical case and disc? Songs should be no more than 50 cents each.

Comment Stick with gnome (Score 1) 514

So Unity is a shell developed by Gnome, but it is not the true Gnome shell? What is the point of this? Why not just stick with what has made Ubuntu the most popular distribution of Linux. This to me is one of the flaws of Linux, nobody can make up their mind. Once a distro decides to use a certain shell stick with it. New users don't want to have to learn multiple shells. This way when a user picks a certain distro they know what they are getting in the form of a shell. How many Ubuntu users who are not computer geeks, but enjoy open source are going to pissed off once Unity is rolled out and their desktop looks completely different one day?

Comment Sonic Stage (Score 1) 250

The walkman may still be relevant in the portable music department if Sony didn't force the ATRAC3 format down it's users throats.

I for one was a big supporter of the Walkman back in my highschool days and went through a couple players just from wear and tear. I skipped over the discman because I like making mix tapes and the discman was bulky and would drain batteries quickly. Once the Net walkman came out, I jumped on that because of it's size and Sony's rep for making quality walkmans. At the time of purchase I had no idea users had to use Sonic Stage to transfer music. Sonic Stage was just about the worst software I have ever used. Users were forced to use this garbage software to copy music to the player and during the process all their music was then converted to ATRAC3. The process was so painful and slow that once you had music on your player, you never wanted to change it just to avoid using Sonic Stage. Needless to say, once that netwalkman died I never replaced it and haven't gone back to Sony since.

Comment There is never enough drive space (Score 1) 313

This isn't really news.

I remember when I had a 100MB hard drive and I thought; "I'll never fill this!". Then I had a 1GB hard drive and thought it would be impossible to fill. Now I have a 1TB drive and I am filling it. There will always be bigger and faster hard drives. One day we will look back at that new massive drive 3TB drive and think; "How did I ever deal with such a finite amount of space?"

Nothing to see here, move along...

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