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Comment Re:Well, (Score 5, Interesting) 208

IRA, Hizbollah and Hamas are all nationalistic organisations in countries that are under intense external pressure, either politically, militarily or economically, to such an extent that the general population are suffering. The same was true of Germany in the 1930's. While I agree with the points you make I feel that most discussions on this topic miss the most important point of all. Yes democracy can throw up some problem leaders, but ignoring the circumstances that lead up to each of these cases is failing to learn lessons from history. While it is possible that removing the treaty of Versailles may not have prevented the nazis' rise to power, it seems almost certain that Hamas would never have been elected without the Israeli blockade and attacks. It also seems hard to imagine the IRA getting any power in a world where Ireland was not subject to brutal repression for a couple of centuries.

Democracy is not the problem, it is imperialism that is the problem. Desperate people act desperately, and voting is no exception.

Comment Re:Money again... (Score 1) 239

The definition of a liberal is someone who doesn't care what the law is, as long as it is mandatory. Nanny states, government censors and controls. Ew, yuck.

adjective: liberal
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"

favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms.
"liberal citizenship laws"synonyms: tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened; Morepermissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms: narrow-minded, bigoted

(in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.
"a liberal democratic state"synonyms: progressive, advanced, modern, forward-looking, forward-thinking, progressivist, enlightened, reformist, radical More"a liberal social agenda"
antonyms: reactionary, conservative

noun: liberal; plural noun: liberals
a person of liberal views.

People who spout garbage in public and have no idea what they are talking about. Ew, yuck.

Comment Re:Awww (Score 4, Insightful) 400

Who's going to really whip the Llama's ass now?

Winamp... I don't understand why people think it is going to suddenly disappear. I haven't needed to update winamp in years, I only have a newer version because I sometimes lose the installer. What exactly is going to change that will make me need a new music player? My music is still all in mp3 format, I don't use any of winamp's online services. The program is finished and complete. I don't need support from AOL and I never did. In a few years there will be new developments and winamp will slowly become obsolete, but those same new developments will result in new software being developed that caters to them. I really don't see the problem here. Winamp will be able to play me mp3s until I no longer need to listen to them or my OS no longer has windows 7 compatibility mode.

Comment Re:Liberty is the only thing in danger here. (Score 2) 550

Informative? Really?

"Smoking is different, when used properly and as intended, your smoking harms the person next to you" - Not proven, if you want to take it on faith you can believe what you want but studies have failed to prove this conclusively

Secondly, when used properly and as intended, firearms harm something, somewhere, maybe not a person, maybe not next to you, but their uses are somewhat limited.

While I am posting on this topic I would also like to point out that this has nothing to do with second amendment freedoms. These weapons can be produced at will by private citizens. This means if it comes to a revolution (and honestly, I don't know what you are all waiting for), they can be produced at the time when needed. At this point the government is going to kill you on sight anyway, so whether you are breaking gun printing laws or not is irrelevant.

If anything, 3d gun printing makes the second amendment obsolete. If 3d guns were any good (currently they aren't but maybe one day), the need to keep arms would no longer exist, people would only need to have 3d printers in every house and could make the guns the day before the revolution starts.

Comment Parrot without understanding (Score 1) 191

"At higher energy levels, an EMP can cause more widespread damage including to aircraft structures and other objects."

What is this about? I looked into it and it is actually something the media is copy pasting from wikipedia. The original quote from wiki also includes the extra words "At higher energy levels, an EMP event such as a lightning strike can cause more widespread damage to aircraft structures and other objects."
Can someone who knows the science explain this to me? Can an EMP weapon actually damage the structure of an aircraft? Obviously 'other objects' is just stupid no matter how you look at it, my farts can damage 'other objects'.

Comment Re:And nothing of value was lost... (Score 1) 330

My guess is that switching from Skype to any other a/v chat medium is almost trivial at this point, and certainly not worth replacing your hardware to avoid.

Actually the opposite is true, it is not even close to trivial. Yes I can download aand install a new voip program with a couple of clicks. The issue is contacts. I can't use the new program to call any of my old skype contacts. I have been dealing with the same issue for years now with instant messaging services. My current solution is to use pidgin and simply have an account on every IM network I ever used in the past. Many of my friends are still on msn and icq. I can't simply tell everyone they have to change services, well I can, but they won't do it. After I stopped using facebook I lost contact with a large number of important internet contacts who refuse to use any other means of communication. Skype would be the same situation again.

Many of these people are skype users because I encouraged them to start using the service back when it didn't suck. For me to come along now and say that they have to stop using it and start using something else will make them trust my recommendations less, making the whole process harder each time.

Having said that, I would still like to know what the alternatives are, and I haven't seen many people mentioning any so far in this thread. Anyone got good suggestions?

Comment Re:Applies to all events? (Score 1) 194

I'm not a conspiracy advocate. I think 19 guys from mostly Saudi Arabia flew airplanes into buildings.

You think they told everyone about it first? Because otherwise IT WAS A CONSPIRACY.

plural noun: conspiracies
1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

I am so sick of the word conspiracy being used to mean 'things that crazy people who are wrong believe in'. The correct word for that is delusion.

plural noun: delusions
1. an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Stop using these words as though they are synonymous

Comment Re:Hydrogen is indeed quite dangerous... (Score 0) 479

but electric opens up the possibility of using alternative energy sources

I understand that in the wonderful utopian future we will all have as much energy as we want. My argument was referring more to the actual reality of now though. Your battery to wheels efficiency statistics conveniently left out the efficiency of the coal power plant that charged the batteries. I did however clearly refer to power production in the post you were replying to so the only kind assumption is that you are just pretending to be ignorant.

While on the subject of future fantasy technologies that will solve all our transportation problems: I am a big fan of building a world wide teleporter network. Oh and a space elevator.

Comment Re:Hydrogen is indeed quite dangerous... (Score 5, Interesting) 479


That seems to sum up the vast majority of this thread, and the alternative energy debate in a very concise way.
Let me take this opportunity to summarise the thread:
30 pages of people arguing about the safety of hydrogen. 20 pages of people arguing about their opinions of Elon Musk.

Let me now summarise the issue:
A) Danger is not the issue, yes hydrogen tanks are dangerous, but we are talking about private transportation here. If we cared about safety we would have banned all of it decades ago. No one really cares if a few people get torn to pieces by a car.
B) Hydrogen fuel cells are a bad idea because the production of hydrogen is hugely inefficient. The thermal efficiency is only about 50% and that is ignoring the massive compression that would be required for private transport, as well as distribution costs. This means hydrogen powered cars will use significantly more energy than other alternatives, energy that is generated in power stations, mostly through burning fossil fuels. The issue we have with cars is that they use too much energy. Neither Musk's electric cars nor any hydrogen technology currently on the market do anything to change this at all. It is all a huge PR lie so that all the happy consumers will feel good in the fluffy cotton wool illusion that they are saving the planet.
C) Quit the celebrity worship, hundreds of people have quite clearly explained the pro's and cons of hydrogen fuel cells and we should not care more about this guy's opinion just because he is rich and famous. We could care about his opinion because he has a physics degree, but then again there are a great many people with physics degrees who have opinions on hydrogen fuel cells.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 530

Well it changes the definition of free will slightly. If you take the many universes approach as suggested above then we have the emergent illusion of time and therefore the emergent illusion of being able to choose which perspective of the universe we experience next. It also means that the words 'free' and 'will' have no objective meaning. Subjectively however I find it useful to believe in such illusory things as my own existence, time, causality, etc. and within this logical framework which I use most of the time I have free will.

It is just as true to say 'free will exists' as it is to say 'parallel lines cross at infinity'. Within a certain logical framework it exists. Furthermore without any logical framework at all no language has meaning, let alone truth, and no coherent thoughts are possible. In fact everything anyone ever experienced is an illusion, and therefore it exists as such.

In case this was not clear I am disputing your first claim (that the reader does not have free will), and agreeing with your second one (that free will is an illusion). I also see them as directly contradicting each other.

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