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Comment Re:But...batteries? (Score 1) 85

If my phone could mine enough Bitcoin overnight, when plugged in anyway, to cover micropayments for some paywalled articles for me to read the next day, it might seem worth it - even if I was paying more for the electricity than the mined Bitcoin was actually worth.

Won't work. Cell phones and most tablets lack any sort of active cooling system; the CPU is not designed to run at 100% for any significant amount of time and will throttle itself soon it reaches a certain temperature. Heat also degrades li-ion batteries; running the phone "hot" overnight will slaughter the longevity of your battery just as effectively as leaving it in a car on a hot summer day.

Comment Re: Well that was an incoherent metaphor (Score 1) 270

I was actually referring to the entire geopolitical situation, not just Iraq. Russia is slicing off parts of neighboring countries, we decapitated Libya (after the guy gave up his WMDs, incidentally, great message to send there....), threw Mubarak under the bus, did nothing while the Iranians crushed a reform movement, the list goes on and on.

The only good thing BHO did with foreign policy was to begin to normalize relations with Cuba. That was long overdue and he deserves some credit for that. The rest has been an unmitigated disaster. The World now looks a lot like it did before WW1, except instead of mustard gas we'll now get to contend with nuclear weapons when the shit hits the fan.

Comment Re:The goal hasn't changed. (Score 2) 185

The USN's anti-aircraft weaponry was extremely effective by the standards of the era. It turned the Japanese "victories" at Santa Cruz and Eastern Solomons into pyrrhic disasters that cost them dozens of their best pilots and whatever slim chance they had of winning of the war. That was in 1942. It only got better as time went on. We also had proximity fuses and other technology that the Axis never developed.

Personal anecdote: A friend of mine was a gunner on the 5"/38 mounts aboard USS Antietam. During gunnery practice they wouldn't aim at the target sleeve being towed through their gunnery range, rather they would aim at the cable connecting it to the aircraft doing the towing. More often than not they could hit it.

Comment Re: Well that was an incoherent metaphor (Score 1) 270

I don't think anybody seriously believes that BHO was willing to spend time, resources, or political capital on securing a status of forces agreement with Maliki's Government. He viewed himself as elected to "end" wars and conducted his foreign policy accordingly, at least until the rise of IS. I'm skeptical that it's BHO's "fault" per se, but I'm also skeptical of those that give him a complete pass on this issue.

Comment Re:and dog eats tail (Score 1) 393

Why was it speeding? There are a multitude of different reasons why it could have happened. Some of them (joyriding or distracted driving) would be the engineers fault and rise to a criminal level of negligence. Others (mechanical failure, software bug, take your pick) would not be his fault but may indicate civil or criminal liability for someone as yet identified. It might even fall into the "shit happens" category (a syncope with no prior medical warning, not an uncommon occurrence) and be no one's fault at all.

We simply don't know, unless you've got inside information that you're not sharing. Until we know the why it's premature to assign blame.

Comment Re:drones (Score 1) 185

Unconventional != without honor or legality, two things that terrorists are sorely lacking. The equation (real or implied) with the militia is offensive; the militia derives its authority from the state and fights under the command of officers that were duly appointed by the state. There's a chain of command and accountability that terrorists can not claim. The militia largely obeyed the contemporary laws of war, something terrorists have never even pretended to do.

It's impossible to say how history would have judged the American rebellion had it failed but I think it's safe to say that it would not have judged it the same way that it's going to judge terrorism 200 years from now.

Comment Re:Well that was an incoherent metaphor (Score 4, Insightful) 270

He is a neo-con idiot, one of many, who predicted that American troops would be greeted by Iraqis as heroic liberators

They were, at least by the Shia and Kurds. Of course, we fucked that up, through our own incompetence, and of course the Shia never going to be particularly happy when we got in the way of their pogrom against the Sunnis. The whole country is an artificial creation that is destined for the trash bin of history; everything we're seeing now would have happened eventually without our intervention. Fake countries rarely survive when their strongman dies. Our mistake was in being the one to break it, thus owning the problem.

Recent events (Libya) suggest that we still haven't fully digested this lesson. If you're gonna blow it up you should probably have a plan for what happens afterwards.

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