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Free Software Wins Court Battle in Quebec 172

courteaudotbiz writes "In a court battle in the province of Quebec, Canada, initiated more than two years ago, free software activists Savoir Faire Linux (translated 'Linux know-how') won the right to submit offers (Google translation; original French version) when the government takes public requests for submissions to replace its desktop operating systems and office suites. This opens the possibility in the future of replacing Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office in favor of Linux and, or any other operating system and office productivity suite. In his judgment, the magistrate said that the government acted illegally when it discarded the proposal of Savoir Faire Linux for replacing Windows XP with a Linux distribution."

Part-Human, Part-Machine Transistor Devised 77

asukasoryu writes "Man and machine can now be linked more intimately than ever, according to a new article in the journal ACS Nano Letters. Scientists have embedded a nano-sized transistor inside a cell-like membrane and powered it using the cell's own fuel. To create the implanted circuit, the UC scientists combined a carbon nanotube transistor, lipid bilayer coating, ion pump, and ATP. The ion pump changes the electrical charge inside the cell, which then changes the electrical charge going through the transistor, which the scientists could measure and monitor."

Comment Re:Net neutrality (Score 1) 340

First of, I apologize for any lack of clarity - I'm way too tired to be thinking, let alone posting.

Secong, I just used the RIAA as an example a big nasty megacorp. Substitute whatever. My point wasn't about the **AA, or even any other corporate conglomerate. It's this: the goverment is (at least in theory) us, the people. It's in place to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. But also, and more imoprtant in this context: the purpose of government (as perscribed to us by modern political liberal tradition) is to protect the majority from the abuses of the few. Without regulation, we're screwed. With too much regulation, we're screwed. Our only hope is to keep fighting to keep the middle ground.

And yes, unfortunately I do believe we're heading in the direction you're predicting. It's sad, but it's true. Fact is, it's *always* true. Big lords/industrialists/corporations(/substitute whatever) will always try and gain as much power over the populace as it can, down to slavery if possible (been there, done that). Government will *always* try to control to the population, too. Down to slavery, if possible. It's nothing new. Thge solution isn't to abolish regulations. It's to balance out the powers in the most beneficial way. It's tricky, and it requires government regulation. And here my verbal diahorrea stops because I run out of words.

Again, sorry for the incomrehensibleness. (I doubt I made much sense at all.)

Comment Re:lolwut? (Score 1) 510

I guess I see your point. After all, it is mellon's fault the restaurant owner (who presumably is in the business to make money, and not for the sheer fun of working 20 hours a day) made a poor choice a few years in designing a site that would load slowly over connections that were available at the time, and who since then decided to not update the website to actually be useful. Hell no, can't be the restauranteus for hiring a cheap dweeb to make an unusable website. Or not updating it in years.

The point is not necessarily about flash (although it is in this context). It's about the fact that if you're not telling me what I want to know, or making me jumps through hoops to find it out - you won't see my money.*

* Personally, I rarely choose restaurants by menu. I'm lucky enough to have friends who like to eat out and know the best spots. And when I'm not with them, the menu itself isn't the deciding factor of me going in. But that's just me and restaurants. The point stands for pretty much anything else.

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