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Comment Simple solution to stop all the registration spam (Score 1) 558

The best and most simpler solution to stop all registration bot spam is make your registration double optin. If the bot cannot click a link in a confirmation email then the registration never succeeds. Even harder would be make the link in the email unclickable and make them copy and paste it into the browser to complete the registration. That is mission accomplished.

Comment Ban the lottery then as it is "Games Of Chance" (Score 1) 238

"it defines a slot machine as "any machine or device or system or network of devices" that can be used in games of chance. " I think they do not realize they are also banning the "State Lottery" Since it is a system or network of devices that is used in games of chance. I think they better rethink the wording in that law. or no more education funding......hmmmm

Comment Re:Citations? They need to be sued heavily (Score 1) 507

If more people use the Commercial Lien process on the government officials who who do such things because of their greed for money ( revenue ) Then when the people file these commercial Liens against the person who changed this in an amount of 2.5 Billion dollars, then follow through with the Lien process, then you can win against them and seize their property and assets. Then they will have zero revenue and will have nothing with which to fight with. Hit them where it counts. In the wallets.

Comment Windows XP is way better than Windows 7 (Score 1) 712

Windows XP has better update time, can update while i am working and less hassles with owner permissions on my folders. Microsoft has been the worst builders of an operating system than Ubuntu. Ubuntu Linux beats any Microsoft Operating system hands down. Microsoft SUX. That Malware bug that was sent and targeting Malwarebytes machines and servers can easily be sent anywhere else. Oh...and by the way guys, This Malware bug, Cannot be stopped by any antivirus, any anti malware or anti spyware software at all. Say good bye to all your hard work MS. Where is anonymous? Oh em.............

Comment Ban the Lottery because IT IS GAMBLING (Score 1) 124

Since gambling is against the law in Florida, then the State Government needs to BAN THE LOTTERY BECAUSE IT IS GAMBLING. Definition of Gambling is: gambled gambling Definition of GAMBLE intransitive verb 1 a : to play a game for money or property b : to bet on an uncertain outcome 2: to stake something on a contingency : take a chance transitive verb 1: to risk by gambling : wager Since people spend a dollar or whatever to gain the winnings of a Lottery, it is considered GAMBLING. To allow the Lottery is to Allow GAMBLING. If the Lottery is Legal, then so is GAMBLING. Stupid is as stupid does.

Comment Stop Buying Microsoft Office and Get LibreOffice (Score 1) 464

What I do not understand is why all you people are still purchasing this stupid Office suite when LibreOffice is the same thing and does the same things and saves in Microsoft format and IT IS FREE. Stop buying that Microsoft Office suit. Start using Libre Office. It is FREE Get it here:

Comment There is other software better than Adobe Free too (Score 1) 224

There is a flash player called Gnash that does same thing as adobe. There are all sorts of similar programs that are free that does the exact thing adobe's greedy peoples software does and even as good if not better quality. Stop using adobe. Foxit reader is free and does same as adobe. Gimp is a graphics program does same as Photoshop. Linux has everything you need and more for free. Why is everyone still paying for stuff they can get for free? I don't understand.

Comment There is not any Evolution. Only Progression (Score 1) 253

All you evolutionists try to prove evolution but have not presented any solid evidence. And what it really is, you use the wrong word for what really happens. Humans progress by taking in more knowledge. Either way you look at it, a Human started as a Human and is still a Human. A monkey started as a Monkey and is still a Monkey. An idiot is still an idiot. Darwin thought that all life might be traced to a common ancestor. He imagined that the history of life on earth resembled a grand tree. Later, others believed that this “tree of life” started as a single trunk with the first simple cells. New species branched from the trunk and continued to divide into limbs, or families of plants and animals, and then into twigs, all the species within the families of plants and animals alive today. Is that really what happened? DARWIN’S TREE CHOPPED DOWN In recent years, scientists have been able to compare the genetic codes of dozens of different single-celled organisms as well as those of plants and animals. They assumed that such comparisons would confirm the branching “tree of life” proposed by Darwin. However, this has not been the case. What has the research uncovered? In 1999 biologist Malcolm S. Gordon wrote: “Life appears to have had many origins. The base of the universal tree of life appears not to have been a single root.” Is there evidence that all the major branches of life are connected to a single trunk, as Darwin believed? Gordon continues: “The traditional version of the theory of common descent apparently does not apply to kingdoms as presently recognized. It probably does not apply to many, if not all, phyla, and possibly also not to many classes within the phyla.”29 Recent research continues to contradict Darwin’s theory of common descent. For example, in 2009 an article in New Scientist magazine quoted evolutionary scientist Eric Bapteste as saying: “We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality.”30 The same article quotes evolutionary biologist Michael Rose as saying: “The tree of life is being politely buried, we all know that. What’s less accepted is that our whole fundamental view of biology needs to change. Face it. Explain the complex design of your brain or your eye, or spinal cord. How about the universe? It is so precise you can pinpoint exactly where to land and when by using simple math. It is those uneducated who claim an evolution instead of the real and factual Progression of man just getting smarter by the knowledge he takes in. Facts are Facts. Only fossil evidence that was surfaced was fabricated by those uneducated men anyhow. Dave

Comment Use Linux and Stop Using Windows (Score 1) 712

Greed has its bearings all throughout Microsoft. Linux provides it's Operating systems and support for free and only receive donations to keep the development ongoing. Linux comes preloaded with tools Microsoft wishes it had and wishes it could do what Linux can do. Linux also provides an office program and graphics program and website builder and all kinds of tools for, you guessed it: FREEE. Here is a small list of Free Operating systems.

Comment Your just ignorant of creation (Score 1) 1152

You said: " People who claim to be Creationists are almost always ignorant of evolution. " In all actuality, there is no evolution, not an ignorance of it. Evolutionists will always be against creation because they want to explain things from a scientific method and make themselves look smarter when all truth comes out is those evolutionists are ignorant of creation. And you have no excuse. (Romans 1:18,20)18For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way, 19because what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them. 20For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable;

Comment We are leaving XP, Just going to UBUNTU (Score 1) 727

Screw windows and their greedy coders. There is a Linux system based on XP and it works for FREE. Wine allows us to run almost any windows program we want in it. But tell you the truth, I would rather tell Windows Sayounara. Its all Linux from now on. Free operating system, free office program, free printing software. everything freeeeeeeeee....Take your Greed somewhere else Windows. Ubuntu beats windows Hands down. Oh.....and we dont have to worry about having an anti-virus program since that junk is produced for Windows systems......Windows. What a joke. Super Dave IT Tech

Comment Direct Violation of Personal Privacy (Score 1) 130

Since hacking into others computers is against the law, then the people trying to over ride this law should be arrested for treason and arrested as spies. Installing anything in anyone else's computers without their express permission is a direct violation of a persons rights of privacy. These people trying to get these powers should be arrested right now...not later.....They have already violated the peoples rights to privacy by even coming public with this line of thought. Maybe Anonymous should hack into their computers and make public what he finds. I bet they are hiding all kinds of illegal things on their computers. Arrest them for trying to become spies of their own people. They must want a war between the people and the government. Privacy is privacy.

Comment Re:Legal? (Score 1) 294

There are lawyers that will take your case on a contingency basis, in other words they wont and you wont get paid unless they win. I think there will be a good deal of lawyers willing to take on this company if a person has a good case against Paypal. That will be more profitable to the Person who opened the suit and also the lawyers as they always get a 3rd of total damages. I was in a class action suit against Paypal, never saw a red cent. This clause may be better for us users and ultimately benefit the person who opened the suit and will also give contingency lawyers a good profit and also cause Paypal to pay more attention to how they treat their users.

Comment If it is for the continued investigation? (Score 1) 114

I agree to it if it is for the continued ongoing investigation of fraud that the SEC is investigating. SEC should also consider getting a court order allowing such investigation to be taken for evidence in an ongoing investigation. My 2 cents worth David O'Rourke. Question to the SEC, can I have a regular job with you guys? I am good at doing what i am told, only I will be in a wheelchair, so do you accommodate those with disabilities? Thanks

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