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Comment It's not cost effective. (Score 5, Insightful) 337

Sat phones are trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist. Most folks are ok with terrestrial cellular service. If they need wireless comms outside that service area, it exists... it's just expensive. For something to be affordable it has to be mass consumed, and the masses just don't need it.

Submission + - See TRON Legacy in uber-geek style (oakley.com)

OdoylesRule writes: Debuting in 2010, TRON LEGACY will introduce a new generation of moviegoers to an entirely new realm of groundbreaking digital effects. Oakley collaborated with Disney to honor the reinvention of a legacy that began three decades ago, when audiences all over the globe experienced a digital world ahead of its time. Introducing “TRON” Limited Edition 3D GASCAN® eyewear by Oakley.

How many folks do you think you'll see on opening night wearing these?! My guess: not many!


Things You Drink Can Be Used To Track You 202

sciencehabit writes with an intriguing story about the potential of figuring out where people have been by examining their hair: "That's because water molecules differ slightly in their isotope ratios depending on the minerals at their source. Researchers found that water samples from 33 cities across the United State could be reliably traced back to their origin based on their isotope ratios. And because the human body breaks down water's constituent atoms of hydrogen and oxygen to construct the proteins that make hair cells, those cells can preserve the record of a person's travels. Such information could help prosecutors place a suspect at the scene of a crime, or prove the innocence of the accused." Or frame someone by slipping them water from every country on the terrorist watchlist.

Comment speaking of security being "known to fail"... (Score 1) 1318

When an someone wants to kill a professionally protected individual and get away, it can be made very difficult through means of a relatively small and skilled (and expensive) security force with sufficient resources (and legal leeway to use them). But if the perpetrator is willing to sacrifice themselves in order to accomplish their mission, it becomes MUCH harder to protect the person... it basically takes an army that has the ability to control EVERYTHING around the perimeter of the individual being protected (ie: The Secret Service). Rushdie could go into hiding and still make his living as an author. Zuckerberg would have a much more difficult time staying off the radar.

YouTube Is Down 152

A number of readers have noted that YouTube is currently giving back 400 and 502 http errors, and has apparently been doing so for an hour or more. I suggest you use this window of opportunity to get something done: the dancing kitties will still be there when you're done.

Comment Re:Like a backseat driver... (Score 0) 667

Sorry to burst your bubble: Notes: allegedly said by George Orwell although there is no evidence that Orwell ever wrote or uttered either of these versions of this idea. They do bear some similarity to comments made in an essay that Orwell wrote on Rudyard Kipling, when quoting from one of his poems. Orwell did write, in his essay on Kipling, that the latter's "grasp of function, of who protects whom, is very sound. He sees clearly that men can only be highly civilized while other men, inevitably less civilized, are there to guard and feed them." (1942)
Alternative: "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill (miscellaneous quotation, no date)
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Airport device follows fliers' phones (usatoday.com)

OdoylesRule writes: The Transportation Security Administration is looking at installing devices in airports that home in and detect personal electronic equipment. The aim is to track how long people are stuck in security lines.

Information about wait times could then be posted on websites and in airports across the country.

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