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Comment Re:UV (Score 5, Interesting) 34

They are talking about tropospheric ozone. The troposphere, you know that part of the atmosphere where you live. Having ozone hanging around us is bad since it causes all kinds of medical issues. Freon destroyed the stratospheric ozone. Since we do not live in the stratosphere (no matter what that casino in Vegas says) having ozone up there is good since it filters high energy UV and is critical for life as we know it to survive and everything.

Comment We'll see how this works out (Score -1, Troll) 377

The bump he got in the polls for saying that he is a war president since we are at war with COVID-19 for some reason went away when he suggested that injecting bleach into people's lungs would cure the disease. To be fair though if you inject bleach into someone's lungs they will never have to worry about getting sick ever again. So now he has decided to ignore the problem and open back up again. True the US infection rate is flat but that is because NY is getting their rates under control. If you take out NY the country's infection number is going up and up. Ignoring the problem seems to have worked so well when he did it early on in the crisis. I guess we will see if ignoring the problem will continue to be a good idea.

Comment Stop reading and writing then (Score 1) 121

Before written language was invented, people had to memorize everything. During the civil war, union officers were amazed at how good the memory of former slaves turned spies who weren't taught to read or write was. There are plenty of stories of cultures without written language having some surprisingly accurate oral histories. If you don't have to memorize everything but instead can write stuff down then your brain shrinks in some ways. So clearly we should stop reading and writing then!

Comment Re:Gentoo (Score 1) 245

I used Gentoo for many many years. But then I had problems with a package that wanted me to install systemd. I never got systemd to work and I wasn't sure why I should bother replacing something that had worked fine for me for years. So I switched to Funtoo. Funtoo is basically Gentoo but it uses Git to track and update packages and systemd is considered a bug.

Comment Typical CEO logic (Score 1) 122

CEO's only care about the next quarter. It takes years to build up trust and a reputation of reliability. But all it takes is one CEO who is only interested in this quarter's stock price to kill it off. Sell cheap crap at an inflated price and people will buy it based on your previous reputation. But once that reputation is lost, it might take decades to get it back. Ask companies like GM. Companies like Apple and Boeing are making that type of mistake right now.

Comment easy to patent something (Score 2, Informative) 212

You can patent just about anything you want, and you do not need a working model to patent something. There is a good argument for making things easy to patent. The problem is that it does lead to patent trolls. Also patents are only supposed to last a limited amount of time, but of course patent holders always try to make them as long as possible. Maybe something like a software or medical patent shouldn't last as long as an aerospace patent. Anyway my problem isn't that someone patent something that is useless. Although I might have a problem with a government employee patenting useless stuff while at work. Patent useless stuff on your own time.

Comment Not easy to start a car company from scratch (Score 2) 215

People seem to think that starting any business should be as easy as opening a lemon aide stand. However starting something like a new car company isn't remotely easy even if you have tons of cash and an army of engineers and technicians who know exactly what they are doing. It takes decades to learn the little tricks and trade secrets needed to ensure your product is as good as the competition. This is why we can't build another Saturn V rocket despite the fact that we still have one we can take apart and we still have the original blue prints. In reality, it would be cheaper and easier just to design a brand new moon rocket than to try to make another Saturn V. Also, I am sorry libertarians but this is a major problem with your fantasy of a completely free market. Once a car company takes out its competition it will be almost impossible for someone else to come in and compete. The remaining car company will then be a monopoly and will be free to screw over consumers any way they want. Sometimes it is good when the big scary government orders a company to break into smaller ones.

Comment VB.net isn't as bad as you think (Score 1) 100

Look VB.net is basically just C# with a syntax that seems a little less scary to beginners. In fact people have written scripts to convert VB.net to C# and back again. VB.net is no longer like the qbasic or gwbasic that came free with dos. VB.net isn't even like visual basic 6. Actually even vb 6 had its place as it was a language that let novices quickly put gui front ends on things. Remember that anyone can make both garbage and good code from just about any language. True some languages seem to make writing unmaintainable code easier -- but if you try hard enough you can do that in any language.

Comment Irony of history (Score 1) 93

Ironically, when the ancient Aztecs first populated the area that would become modern day Mexico City they had to deal with the fact that the only land there was a small marshy island in the middle of a giant lake. The Mexican flag features an eagle eating a snake. Legend has it that when they saw this bird eating a snake that it was a sign from the gods to found a city there. So they had to invent ways of cultivating crops while they were floating on water. Now the people in this city are running out of water to drink.

Comment Wondering what happened to them all? (Score 1) 151

Check out gsaauctions.gov. When government property isn't needed any more, it usually goes to some type of surplus room for a while. If no one claims the item from surplus then after a while it will be auctioned off to the public. Hence the site. They have all sorts of stuff on that auction site. From old FBI police cars to former DoD computers. Note that most of the computers have had their hard drives removed though.

Comment Re:Possibly MUCH more serious problem... (Score 1) 190

There are two issues here. If snow on the roof could cause the glass to shatter then the structural engineer should not have approved the design and the city engineers should not have given them a permit to build the structure (at least not without a plan of how they will remove the snow on the roof if it builds up too much.) If these engineers didn't think of this then they should both have their licenses revoked.

It is up to the architect to figure out how useable the building will be. It sounds like the building is not in danger of falling over but rather the falling snow and ice makes it less useable. Maybe Apple just made their building more of a pain to use in the winter in order to make it look more pretty in the summer? Feel free to make your own comments about that.

Comment Coming soon to a classroom near you (Score 1) 89

Boys and girls: since the school district lowered my pay to basically zero in order to give more tax breaks and handouts to the ultra rich, we have had to alter the lesson plan a little bit.

First period nutrition class will be: chocolate the wonder food sponsored by Hershey.
Second period history will be: how bankers saved the old west sponsored by Wells Fargo.
Third period science will be: Why everyone who believes in global warming is an idiot sponsored by Koch industries.

Any questions?

Comment How could more than half be duplicate? (Score 2) 115

If half of the code is duplicate does that mean it is just a duplicate of the other half? If so then how would you know what the duplicate is and what the original is? Unless you count the duplicate code in with the original code in which case only one quarter of the code is a duplicate of the other quarter. Or maybe in my post thanksgiving carb haze I am over thinking this?

Comment Re:Too Late? (Score 5, Insightful) 97

It might seem like it is too late for a dos emulator/clone to be very useful today, however people still seem to find a thousand and one household uses for DOSBox, FreeDOS, etc. There are tons and tons of of niche programs that are written to run on older versions of Windows which we don't have the source code for anymore. So I imagine people will be able to find uses for ReactOS well into the future.

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