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Comment Colonisation (Score 2) 228

I guess since we do not have a World Unified Government then the question is who will own Mars and its resources once we do get there?
The nation who is capable to conquer it and provide 'security' for the colonists/mining companies will be the Owner of such colonies or at least charge a massive fee for providing that security. Kind of a racketeering business in space.

The way it seems we have done all the fighting we can do here on Earth now we are getting ready for Battlefield Mars.

The mineral wealth on Mars better be worth it.

Comment Anti Establishment (Score 1) 469

Since Trump rhetoric has been to bring down the status quo of the whole establishment maybe they were discussing the full pardon of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

maybe Trump is planning to give back to the people what the estabishment took from them. Their privacy.

or maybe they were discussing how Trump can setup a private server for all his classified and 'special interest' emails and was asking the russians on how best to protect against russian attacks :) :) I mean there is NOTHING WRONG with having highest level classified information on a apache server witha MySQL database run on a Pentium I processor :) and a router with WEP security (because its da strongest..the russians told me so :) )

Its not like anyone has ever gone to jail for leaking highly classified information on purpose or neglecting to protect that information. Right? :) :)

Comment Rotten Egg (Score 2) 158

The problem is people are much more stupid than we give them credit. I had people at work asking me if my phone is going to blow up soon or if im returning mine to buy a iPhone 7. I have a S7 Edge and im growing tired explaining to dumb arses that its not the same line of phones. But SOME people think Samsung only makes Galaxy phones and do not understand the different lines of products.

I think the damage is already done and this will affect and is already affecting their other lines. I personally do not believe they should retire the Note line and keep on it. Note 8 done proper may resurrect their line next year. BUT in reality the stigma may linger around and tank their Note 8 sales even if the Note 8 was made fireproof, bulletproof or even destruction proof in any shape or form so re-branded Note to something else would probably be the only way to go to cater to the masses.

The way forward this year is to spend craptonne more on S7 and S7 Edge advertising to show THERE IS a difference and are very good phones.

Comment Pirates are good for the economy. (Score 5, Insightful) 133

few years back RIAA did a research to prove pirates are hurting their bottom lines. The research was finalised and it proved pirates spent more money on music and videos than the non pirate counterparts.

people dont realise that piracy in fact forces people who produce music and videos to give it their BEST to produce something worth while paying money for.

people pirate games, videos and music and when they discover the game is junk they dont buy it. same for movies and music.
if somone made an awesome album or a game then shortly after the free 'preview' alot of 'pirates' end up buying the game or movies for their collection.

Pirates have improved the overall quality of productions across the board because they DO SPEND money on good stuff and avoid the junk outthere.

But that research never made it the mainstream media because its easier to manufacture junk and try and sell it that try and make quality stuff. :)

Comment how the tables turn (Score 1) 407

Welcome to Obamanist russ.sorry...America comarades. in my country we used to call them political prisoners but i like your pronounciation better. Terrorist. the sheer unknown of what or who they terrorise alows for more freedom of abuse of human right. Love it. Shuld be more of it. Stalin would be proud of what the USA has become. lol

For a country hell bent on individual rights protected under the constitution America is doing sweet fk all to protect itself from the terrorist within its government. Even the 2nd amendment doesnt seem to be working as intended since it seems most of recent troubles and anti people agendas can be leviated by a simple revolution but no one is willing to go to gitmo for standing up and being counted :) :)

lucky we have avganistan to vent our anger on them 'real' terrorists ah?

Comment Re:There's no way this could go wrong... (Score 1) 176

of course not. once the proceed to human trials they can hook up people across the world like a movie called GAMER. you get to play WoW, EvE online, Sims, COD black ops WITH REAL HUMANS :)

plus you can have human drones alongside mechanical ones fighting your battles.

grab a wghole bunch of nobody prisoners, link them to some teenage nerds sitting in a room somewhere in the pentagon and let them go invade a country :) :)

nope. this technology is all positive for the human race. nothing bad can ever come of it. i mean look at how much power we produce from nuclear reactors. we get to light up whole cities :) :) (pun definitely intended)

Comment Re:If we're going to survive long term (Score 1) 352

hmm. Star Trek. nice idea but it wont work.
consider current Australian policies.
you get $5000 baby bonus for having a kid. The smarttest and brightest people are uualy the career oriented hard working people who are likely to have 1 ir lucky 2 kids on average.
the unemployed on the dole yobos are breeding like rabbits 4-6 kids.
now we have a recent OPEN DOOR policy on imigration that brings in peolpe wh cant speak the lingo, wont get jobs and are going to stay on the dole and breed as per their Islamic tradition.

as you see the gene pool for high IQ mates is shrinking.
with enough generations of this the prerequisite for getting into Uni will be to spell your name right.

so culling the lazy and stupid should be a priority you would think :) or at least means test the baby bonus would do the same :)

Comment Re:If we're going to survive long term (Score 1) 352

hehe. Im Australian, I dont give a fk who is leading America. we have enough of our own retards politicians trying to bring in the Green policies in play. or should I say WATERMELON policies as they are all Green on outside and Communist RED on inside. they curently have minirity government but hold the 9 key votes of power in the Senate and we have had nothing but retarded policies eroding our rights.

the most recent try to erode even more right is soon to be discussed in parliament is the ability to "BE OFENDED" and make it ilegal.

so if you called me a dickhead i can take offence to that and sue you for offending my sensibilities.

so give me a break bro its not only you americans having problems with the communists within we have our own problems thank you very much.

a minor victory recently was when the government went and abused some Occupational Health and Safety laws on asbestos to shut down one of the biggest rifle ranges in Sydney, look up Malabar ANZAC rifle range and see the shitfight.
a million or so more on a legal fight and it turned out they lied and abused laws not intended to be used that way to breach contract agreements in place between 2 business entities. if the judge ruled on the government favour would have colapsed any business contract by setting a precedent where you can dodge contracts based on OH&S bullshit.

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