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Comment Re:Back to the Future (Score 1) 681

Most evangelicals I've met are the same. The bible is god's literal word and there shall be no interpretation. Until Revelation, then they get all kinds of metaphorical:

"See where it says 'Giant Locusts' kids? Now don't modern apache helicopters look a lot like big grasshoppers? This is all proof we are in the END TIMES!"

20 years later and I'm still waiting for those end times...

Comment Re:benefits vs risks (Score 1) 863

Binary logfiles: You're not supposed to keep important log files on the local machine. Send them to your central logging facility where they are stored in a database.

And when I need to know what happened on a box that stopped sending it's log files to the central repository? Or even better, mission critical server is down, but i can't view the logs because they're on a server thats also down for an unrelated reason. I know, I know, backups/redundancies/etc. but planning for the worst and all that.

If the machine is still running, you can use the appropriate tools to look at the binary log files for debug.

And binary log files never become "corrupt and unreadable"... Sorry, but binary logs are high on my list of reasons to not use Windows, I just can't see the benefit.

All your logging, stats and alerting should be centralized anyway.

Agreed. But they should still be available on the local machine in an easily accessible form. I've not paid much attention to the great systemd debate as of yet, but now I think I'll have to.

I'll agree that things do change and the constant evolution is part of what makes Linux great, but change for the sake of change and a "It is what it is, dealt with it" attitude is quite troubling.

Comment Re:And when the video feed dies... (Score 1) 468

Not far off. I was once on a plane waiting to take off, when the pilot came over the PA and announced that they were going to "reboot the plane" to fix the problem with turning the nose-gear; because, "Just like with your home computer, sometimes a reboot works wonders."

Thankfully it didn't change anything and a tech replaced the faulty part before we took off.

Comment Re:And this ladies and gents, is why I'm a sociali (Score 1) 241

I say auction it off and use the proceeds for charity. Get the Sheiks all together in a room and see which 7 walk out with billion dollar cars. Hype the auction enough and you could sell it on pay-per-view to make back the initial investment.

(The only condition is that after the auction is final the Stig takes one around the track.)

Comment "So, is cycling safe, especially in the city?" (Score 1) 947

Actually where I live it's the safest place to ride. That's where the bike/shared-use lanes are and where drivers are used to seeing and most of the time respectful to cyclists.

Once you get out into the suburbs, you'll encounter a much different environment. People are obsessed with their over-sized cars and obsessed with getting to whatever useless task they are on the way to. You're much more likely to be cursed out, have objects thrown at you and just plain ran off the road out where the housing's cheap (in every sense of the word) and the driveways are full of "toys".

More and more people are riding, but I fear it may be a "millennial thing" and that the majority will simply migrate out to the burbs like they're supposed to do once they reach the standard child rearing age of 22 (at least around here that's the standard)...

Comment Re:no (Score 1) 588

Random stranger? You mean the guy following him for no reason other than the color of his skin?

That's the point, that's why he's a symbol. He was profiled and harassed for being black. He chose to confront his accuser and died because of it. He may have been a little shit his whole life, but that had nothing to do with the incident. Remembering him and what happened is important for all of us; and if someone wants to name a rock flying through space after him I say go for it.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 289

I'm not concerned that they are releasing updates, my concern is with how long it takes before they acknowledge a bug and release a fix. With OSS, the fix is released ASAP (at least that's the theory), with proprietary software... Well, here's a car analogy that might help:

"A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one."

Comment Re:Isn't it sad? (Score 3, Insightful) 1105

Man, we sure do love conspiracy theories. I'm betting more on that this was just some guy, not part of any "network" or "cell", just another mentally unstable individual that fell through the cracks of our selfish "I got mine, screw the rest of you" culture. Already the first thing people are talking about is what rights will the government deprive them of. Yes individual freedoms are important, but nothing is truly black and white.

And soon it will be the right screaming that the left isn't tough on criminals and can't protect us the way they can, and the left screaming at the right that they're ignorant and savage and cause more harm than good.

Preppers will step up their efforts and stockpile weapons, occupiers will chant some more to a drum circle, and the majority who simply shake their head at both will continue to be ignored in favor of ratings. Divisions will grow, flame wars will commence, and I can't help but wonder what it will take to get everyone to grow up and start thinking clearly.

Comment Let's shoot a bit higher (Score 1) 591

I have an Acer laptop that's ~2yrs old and it uses all OSS drivers. I would say it's "functional", but the reduced battery life kind of sucks, and the major issue is "radeon" is still not very desirable. Even better, AMD left my chipset (mobility 4250) out of the current driver, so I can't even get proprietary 3d working; although ubuntu lets me install it and bork my x setup anyway, guess I'm not as nostalgic about dicking around with x configs as I thought...

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