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Comment Re:Past experience with "streaming" games (Score 1) 90

It wasn't so much that they failed, they were bought out (Sony I think?) and the product itself worked well. I was part of the beta, continuing with them when they went live, and bought a handful of games through them. Fortunately, they were running various promos and I never paid full price (though admittedly, I did lose all that content when they closed). I understood the risks with the service, and the only problem I ever found with their service was in the racing games, in those cases the latency and input lag did not work well enough for the responsiveness required for racing. The shooters all responded really well and since everyone was faced with same or similar lag, it worked really well. Strategy or the few tower defense games, played very well.

Personally, I'm sold on the tech, but I won't get involved with a service like this again unless I can transfer my purchases out. I might (though I didn't previously) subscribe to a $10/mo service for the entire library of whatever's offered, but unlikely.

my 2 cents...


Comment Re:two problems here.... (Score 1) 202

In the 'buyers' defense, he felt he was doing nothing wrong and more than likely wanted to be honest about his usage. The issue here is honesty in this case got his account closed. The larger issue (IMO) is that once Coinbase has made a decision, there is no path to mediation that would allow the closed account holder to plead his case.

This is not the first time Coinbase has chosen to close an account and most definitely will not be the last. What sucks is that there is no recourse for individuals with closed accounts to have them re-opened.

Comment Re:Punt coinbase? (Score 3, Insightful) 202

The issue is really about purchasing bitcoin (especially at significant volumes). Coinbase is more of a retail outlet, while GDAX is the exchange. And yes, you can use Local Bitcoin at about a 17% markup (depending on location) but if he's trying to run a business having a mark-up that high sucks.

Really the issue is Coinbase and they super paranoia for risk avoidance. On the one hand, you can't blame them for protecting their business from auditors/regulators and the power they weild. On the other hand, they're really the only reputable place you can buy bitcoin in the US without paying ridiculous fees. Sure, you can setup accounts at Cex.IO, or Bitfinex (the latter of which is not currently accepting US deposits) but international wires are kind of a pain to deal with.

What really needs to happen, IMO, is Coinbase needs to be clearer on activity they will and will not tolerate/accept risk for and there should be more of a discussion on how that risk is evaluated. Risk/Compliance departments aren't always so harsh on what they don't accept, Coinbase is definitely taking the extreme position in many of these cases making it more and more difficult for reputable purchasers to make legitimate buys.

Comment How are they basing the taxing of holdings (Score 1) 124

I think this is more about the IRS looking for people who have used the exchange of bitcoin (really, the sell) of either mined cones (in which case they would likely be responsible for income tax) or profit earned on the buy/sell similar to that of stock purchases, in which case they would likely be responsible for capital gains tax.

While I hope Coinbase is able to fight this, it's really not that much different than say Fidelity reporting your exchange activity. What is different, at least IMO, Coinbase (in this example) is acting more like a forex platform, exchanging USD for BTC, regardless of whether or not the BTC was recognized as currency at that time.

We'll see where this goes, but I think most of saw this coming as an eventuality once Coinbase started allowing people to cash-out in USD, the IRS had a tangible target to start collecting data from in order to start collecting taxes from the individuals.


Comment A shot at Ernst & Young also (Score 4, Interesting) 111

I thought the 'punishment' was an interesting take to show a loss of trust, after a certain date and the ability to regain it after a period of time. I found it slightly more interesting that Mozilla would also choose to no longer accept audits conducted by Ernst & Young. That could potentially be huge as it shows (at least in some manner) that their auditors were not conducting a thorough audit or did not have the technical prowess to fully audit a CA.

Comment Re:1 thing (Score 5, Interesting) 583

Not just knowing how to negotiate, but a better understanding of the comparable salary for that position and geographic location. It's difficult some times to appreciate what you're worth when starting out (or restarting) and granted - early on you may or may not be worth that much.

Case in point - I relocated years ago and the salary that I negotiated was comparable to the salary that I'd left in a previous locale. What I didn't grasp at the time, was the increase in cost of living for the new location. In reality, while I had negotiated an increase in pay for the new job, I'd actually taken about a 10% cut in pay based on cost of living.

Granted, people have to learn from their mistakes. And true, it may not be very common to relocate as part of your first job. But, with all of that said, I would say early on in your career, understanding what you're worth, and how that is compared to where you'll be working/residing is important. It's definitely something I'll have to help teach my children as they come of age.

Comment Sony should release directly (Score 1) 589

If Sony decides to shelf the release indefinitely, then I think they should just release it publicly for free and let the world have at it. I'd honestly rather give to Sony directly than to let any shit hacking group decide what I can and can't watch.

Hey Sony, if you want to setup a torrent, I'll be a seeder. Otherwise, let me know where I can send *cryptocurrency of the day* for a nice clean DRM free copy of the movie.

Comment Re:Not constrained (Score 1) 137

I don't know if you're a current gamer/customer of OnLive's, but let me tell you they've done a fantastic job at solving latency issues. In fact, the only time it's noticeable is for driving games (unplayable quite honestly).

For other twitch type games, first person shooters Onlive works surprinsgly well. I've played through Red Faction, Home Front, and a few others and they all play very well. Some of the slower games, Patrician for example, play very well on OnLive.

I won't sit here and tell you that latency is of no importance, it most definitely is. And true they need more data centers to be more responsive. But as a gamer in the midwest (Milwaukee), I can tell you OnLive's game service is quite responsive and a decent alternative to constant workstation upgrades.

Comment Re:MS Shines in this type of situation. (Score 1) 224

I'm really surprised at all the fear behind administering an Exchange server. We started with SBS 2003 quite some time ago, and only just transitioned off it this past year. The original setup was a breeze, and only rudimentary skills are needed to setup connectors. Using powershell is most definitely NOT required. Configuring the remote connector can easily be created within all things GUI. As for DNS, yes - you'll need to setup a dns server. But DNS isn't rocket science. Admittedly we use bind on one of our linux boxes, but finding the required special names and adding them to your dns server wasn't terrible.

Maybe our internal IT staff is the shit, maybe I'm taking for granted how easy/difficult it was. But as someone who's worked these boxes for years, it's really not as terrible as people make it out to be...

Comment Re:Use the tools you already purchased first (Score 1) 224


Have you ever setup SBS Exchange, it's stupid simple. Bridgeheads? connectors? while you will need to setup a connector, it's really not complicated. Anyone who sugest it is is trying to sell you consultant services. Domain forest prep, again SBS takes care of all of this. You are correct though about the certificate. It's not the easiest thing in the world, though far from overly complicated.

Yea, hosting email and 'docs' inside Google isn't a bad idea. We toyed with the idea as well. The problem is that Google has zero responsibility to the customer in the event of a subpoena. You really don't want your data outside of your control. While you might be compelled to provide data to a third party, at least you would know it's been provided. Google has zero reason to tell you, and no obligation to do so. Keep your data out of the cloud, it's far from secure.

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