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Comment Re:tl;dr version (Score 0) 259

I built a new rig back in March, went with the Phenom II 975 Black Edition. Haven't been disappointed, as it's still a good bit faster than the Core2 P8400 in my laptop. I'm still holding out hope AMD comes out with a better gaming processor, though, so I don't have to change motherboards when I do decide to upgrade...

Comment Post-PC world? (Score 3, Insightful) 1052

What kills me is that people are going to eat that shit up. They don't realize that they hold a PC in their hand which just so happens to have a phone app. My first computer had an AMD k6-2 300mhz processor (I'm 22, see UID), and I was astounded when I realized my OG Droid had double the compute power. It only took a decade for that to go from being the latest and greatest to being in the palm of your hand being used for fart apps. Tegra games already rival the current-gen consoles in terms of graphics.

PCs aren't dead, they're better than they ever have been before.

In other news, Steve Jobs shits his grave knowing his precious screens are used to display black bars.

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