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Comment Drone? Dog! (Score 1) 196

I used to live on a lake that had a permanent population of 60-80 Canda geese. Those bad boys were afraid of nothing and would hiss at you just for lookin' at 'em the wrong way. There was only one thing they couldn't tolerate: a dog. I'd see a bunch of 'em take off in a hurry for what looked like no good reason, then a minute later here'd come a dog, trotting along, minding his own business.

Screw R/C planes. The best and probably cheapest way to get rid of geese is to get a Jack Russell terrier and let it start "herding" them. Two weeks, three tops, and those geese will be gone forever. He'll work for food and keep you warm at night.

Comment What's a CC number worth, on average? (Score 1) 106

I'd guess that many, maybe most, stolen CC numbers are pretty close to worthless, given that the number has probably already been flagged as stolen and will be rejected on the first transaction. If it does succeed, the transaction will be flagged by the bank and not paid off. However one "like" is worth pretty much the same as any other "like". OTOH, the risk of using a stolen CC is non-zero but using fake "like" is risk-free.

Comment Re:survival of the least stupid (Score 1) 1103

I wasn't referring to your post, vik. I was referring to slashmydot's post, which is provocative and judgmental enough to make me think it may be a troll. However, I'm also aware that there are people in the world who are sufficiently ignorant and arrogant to make such a statement seriously. If that's the case, I can't help his arrogance but I can try to make him a bit less ignorant.

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