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New Mars Rover Rolls For the First Time 100

wooferhound writes "Like proud parents savoring their baby's very first steps, mission team members gathered in a gallery above a clean room at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to watch the Mars Curiosity rover roll for the first time. Engineers and technicians wore bunny suits while guiding Curiosity through its first steps, or more precisely, its first roll on the clean room floor. The rover moved forward and backward about 1 meter (3.3 feet). Mars Science Laboratory (aka Curiosity) is scheduled to launch in fall 2011 and land on the Red Planet in August 2012. Curiosity is the largest rover ever sent to Mars. It will carry 10 instruments that will help search an intriguing region of the Red Planet for two things: environments where life might have existed, and the capacity of those environments to preserve evidence of past life."

Comment Re:The steady slide to Police State continues (Score 1) 1123

Every Single One of the above opinions about "those thugs" are Biased..

It's like dismissing a sack of apples as rotten, based on a couple bad apples you can see at the top..(yes, it's the bad-apple analogy. you think of something better)

It's in our nature to be more interested in topics and events that stray from what we would like to think is "the norm". For example, given two articles about a murder spree and a new charity, im sure most readers would take more interest in the murder article. And although that general sway towards the not-normal does not account for some of the bad attention police are getting, it still has a negative affect on perception.

Beyond all that, i have to believe that anyone seeking employment in law enforcement has generally pure intentions in there heart. I cant see anyone becoming a cop because they want to beat up some pedestrians. Its logical to then assume that it's the job that makes them turn bad. The typical police officer up here is overworked, underpaid, and often emotionally distant. Apply those conditions to any work environment and the same bad apples would float up into view.

Police aren't there to protect you.

What? Even if your exaggerating to make a point, your view is still fairly skewed. Given an actual Opportunity to protect someone from harm, any police officer would help.

"They come after you've already been assaulted and robbed or otherwise violated and investigate" Yes, unfortunately criminals have figured out that beating someone up in the vicinity of a police officer is Bad. And as for following through on reports, it's a shame that you think they dont care at all. Given anything useful to follow through with, they will. But give them a general description of a bald white guy with jeans and a tshirt, they cant do much.

i dont mean to call you out Parent, this is just my opinion.

Comment Re:Cash prize of £500 (Score 1) 130

if Dr.Who has taught us anything, it's that wireless transmissions are in fact aliens made of pink lightning that suck your faces off through the television.
It's clear that this technology is Years beyond our current understanding of science, :. there must be an alien creature manipulating the timeline!

Comment Re:At what point does it become self aware? (Score 1) 114

Dont think we know how to measure the point WE become aware yet. Beyond knowing at approximately what age it happens at and how to tell when a tot finally figures out they exist, there's not a lot we know. I figure this'l help us find out more about how our brains work in that regard, seeing as it's made in the likeness of ourselves.

Comment Re:Dare I say it? (Score 3, Funny) 799

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