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Comment Re:And nothing of value was lost (Score 1) 264

You have to know to turn off the "helpful" setting s like "Keep Media Folders organized" and "Copy files to iTunes media folder" then its safe enough. It always amazes me someone will turn a program like that loose on their music collection without having a backup, or at least checking the SETTINGS first. No matter WHO makes it. I don't blame Windows users for hating iTunes, its not a fun experience on a Winbox. Its fine on an actual Mac, but on Windows its no fun at all, "Though what is?" When I used to use Windows I used Anapod Explorer from Red Chair software instead. It was cheap enough and gave that "drag and drop" experience the Windows crowd claims to want so bad.

Comment Re:lol (Score 1) 79

So, basically, you are saying that anon trolls are insecure children who see everything in direct proportion to their "minuscule" pens size? Thank you, I know understand the driving force of trolls. Explains a great deal really.

Comment Re:Hollywood is just as bad with guns (Score 1) 874

Gah, I hate that, I'm a gun owner, I have a permit, I carry a Glock 36 every day, and every time I get an earful of the classic "gun owners are evil" screed I hear the tale of the all plastic Glock, that no metal detector can see. I tell people there is NO SUCH THING, I show them Glock's website, I get blank stares, they just KNOW its real and I'm just a "bad ol liar" defending my horrible evil ways.

In the end I asked them where they heard about the magic invisible Glock, they just "read it somewhere" or "someone told them about it once" Its way more fun to believe than the actual truth.

Comment Re:There's a Famous Story, in Certain Circles... (Score 1) 874

Yeah, nobody wants Unix when they can have Windows 7. "Sarcasm"

Seriously though, Does EVERYTHING have to be about slamming Apple? Get over it already. This argument is dated as Kirk VS Picard. There is enough room for everyone to have the OS that works for them.

It just seems recently EVERY thread no matter the topic is getting slammed with anonymous Windows fanbois out on a tear. Just get over yourselves, there is more than enough market. In the end everyone can use what they enjoy using. And you think WE are a cult? Pot-Kettle-Black. Anyway, who uses just one OS anymore?

Comment Re:Good guys only use macs (Score 1) 874

In the silly Christian propaganda scare film "left Behind" the anti-christ is clearly seen using an old "Wallstreet" Powebook. So not ALL the good guys use Macs. But then again, that depends on your definition of good guys. [] There is a screen-shot about half way through the review of the evil one cranking up his G3. Seriously though, they use Macs because they look great under harsh lighting. Most PC laptops aren't as photogenic under harsh studio lights. Under bright lights, shiny aluminum is still shiny, and black plastic looks like, well plastic.

Comment Only "good guys" get Macs? I beg to differ?! (Score 1) 874

In the silly Christian propaganda scare film "left Behind" the anti-christ is clearly seen using an old "Wallstreet" Powebook.

So not ALL the good guys use Macs. But then again, that depends on your definition of good guys. There is a screen-shot about half way through the review of the evil one cranking up his G3.

Seriously though, they use Macs because they look great under harsh lighting. Most PC laptops aren't as photogenic under harsh studio lights. Under bright lighs, shiny aluminum is still shiny, and plastic looks like, well plastic.

Comment Re:It was brilliantly parried! (Score 1) 874

If you wanted to see Red Dwarf Return to earth in the US, you didn't need cable you needed Bit-torrent. It was great. "And their parody of the godlike ability of computers to "enhance" was classic, and very tongue in cheek.

Sadly, except for a very lame attempt at an "American version" our television overlords don't consider Red Dwarf suitable for American markets, "or marketing".

"Its cold outside, There's no kind of atmosphere, I'm all alone, More or less."

Comment Re:Hey Google (Score 1) 282

I had been thinking of getting an Android Phone after my iPhone contract expires, but if they are going to force feed me flash, no thanks. I have been using not one, not two, but THREE Firefox plug ins to keep Flash from screwing up my laptop. I do NOT want this experience in my phone.

So unless the Android will have a simple way to remove flash, I'm going to have to stick with an iPhone. The dancing, talking, pop up, flash ad people who make our browsing lives hell will just have to find another way to choke my phone with unwanted content. Flash is a disease.

Comment Re:Very ugly (Score 1) 278

@Blakey Rat "The Kin here is more like a Sidekick, that's who they're competing with."

The Microsoft Kin, is competing against the Sidekick, the company Microsoft already bought, and drove into the ground?

So what you are saying is Microsoft is building a phone to compete with themselves. At least they are finally competing with someone on even ground.

Comment Re:Designed to Fail (Score 1) 278

True enough, every time I get a little snicker out of the continued absence of Zunes and I kid about it with a non-geek, the answer I receive 90% of the time is "Whats a Zune?" That really does take the fun out of it. No schadenfreude to be had there.

Most non geeks I've spoken to have never even heard of a Zune. The only thing that seems to have failed worse for Microsoft than Zune, was Microsoft's marketing department.

Comment Re:Way to go (Score 1) 278

Don't worry, we all wish Microsoft the best of luck with this, and I am sure it will be every bit the market leader that has made Zune a household word.

****This statement is sarcasm****

"Sarcasm tag provided by the League to aid the sarcasm impaired, you may be sarcasm impaired and not even know it"

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