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Comment Burial plans. (Score 1) 1613

They've got a lovely burial plot picked out for Steve Jobs, it's a walled garden at a premium price that only the groundskeeper is allowed to enter. You may only leave specific kinds of flowers that you purchase from the groundskeeper, and upkeep only continues until the first rain, heatwave, or below-freezing day, then he has to be reburied in a marginally nicer walled garden at a steeper price.

Comment Re:Or you could save yourself millions... (Score 1) 350

I don't know why comment is scored at -1, since this is the first thing I thought when I saw the story. Change a few text files and suddenly you're back in business. It's kinda sad that that's all it really takes to sidestep such a law, though, since they'd still be the exact same characters, just with a number ticked upwards by one.

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