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EVE Online PVP Tournament Streamed Live 101

infinitevalence writes "Every few months the good Viking programmers of the north organize and present one of the most geeky e-sports out there. Thanks to them, for three weekends in a row we get to watch player-controlled spaceships fight it out for accolades and unique in-game items available only to the first, second, and third place winners. This year CCP has all of the content live online and streaming in HD for your viewing pleasure. So find a drink, whip up some snacks, watch the shiny explosions, and listen to the soothing words of player experts as they walk you through the action!"

Urine Test For Autism 228

An anonymous reader writes "Defining and diagnosing autism has been a controversial process — but may be a little less so now. Children with autism have a different chemical fingerprint in their urine than non-autistic children, according to new research. The difference stems from a previously documented difference in gut bacteria found in autistic individuals. The possibility of a simple pee test matters because currently, children are assessed for autism through a lengthy testing process that explores a child's social interaction, communication, and imaginative skills. Being able to identify the condition earlier and at a lower cost could leave more time and money for treatment."

Comment Re:The steady slide to Police State continues (Score 1) 1123

I agree with your sentiment despite not having witnessed first-hand the destructive power of these devices.

Furthermore, if one looks back at history, these revolutionary acts from a collective population tend to be very spontaneous. If we constantly have people whispering about how we should gather and revolt, then, well, that in itself doesn't do much. The tinder is already there in the form of the feeling of personal violation on the part of everyday citizens. The question is whether there is enough tinder to make a sustainable fire.

Once there is enough tinder, the question becomes what the ignition source will be, and that's the tricky part. These events are usually violent, with notable exceptions being just that. I personally don't want to be involved in instigating a violent conflict. The people who wish this are answering the question of whether the ends justify the means the same way as those currently abusing their power, and there would be collateral damage to somehow rationalize or trivialize.

I'm not comfortable with that, so what I want to do to effect change is to write software specifically aimed towards furthering the public good. Naturally this won't have immediate changes. However, with regard to current events, I hope that should a fire blaze, that it cleanses as it burns and that it burns only where necessary.

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