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Comment Autoplay (Score 1) 43

I wonder whether this is due to the fact that the YouTube kids app (on iOS and Android at least) doesn't have any limit on the number of videos that will autoplay without any form of engagement from the user. My son has several times now left RyansWorld et al videos playing, we've left the house and gone out, and come back 4 or 5 hours later to content still happily streaming away to no-one. Great for Ryan, great for YouTube, not so great for the advertisers paying for these phantom views. I'm fairly sure that the non-kids version of YouTube will timeout if there's no user engagement for X number of autoplays.

Comment Re:Do Teslas ever brake for curves? (Score 2) 110

is slows down in preparation for the bend. The EU directive compliance on steering angle is scarier, it'll be happily taking a bend at a reasonable speed when it just aborts with a 'Take Control' warning mid apex. The 15 seconds rule is also irrespective of speed, 15seconds in a traffic jam is a lot more annoying than 15seconds at 70mph - neither would be a problem if the car could detect your hands on the wheel, but it can't... it works on torque applied so you have to learn to lightly countersteer just to prove you're still attached.

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