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Comment Re:Bullshit Detector Overload (Score 1) 79

And then there's me. I've got a 10 year old daughter, and she's had non-monitored internet access for more than a year already.

I don't intend to start monitoring it. This might change, if I for some reason think that I need to. I don't think it will. I've had pretty much non-monitored BBS'es and then Internet since I was 14. It was *nasty* out there back then. Today, it's a pretty well moderated landscape compared to the 90s.

Remember ? That was teens avoiding censorship and especially "Cyber Patrol" back then. :P

Comment Re:No not really. (Score 1) 43

My hard drives..

120MB (1991)
250MB (1994)
850MB (1996)
10GB (1999ish)
200GB (2003ish)
1T (2005ish)
2T (2009ish)

I haven't really bought new harddrives in the last ~12 years, except for a new machine which got a "brand new" 1T drive, 6 years ago. I yearn for PB drives. By now, we should have multi-PB drives, but tech has slowed down due to waiting for a tech shift. Shingle drives were 'the shit' 13 years ago, but alas, the market thought they sucked. I'm waiting for some really big ones.

Sure, SSD's are great for low latency, but we need some Very Large, Very Long Term storage drives. I do hope Cera will solve that. These things might become the new 'Very Large CD' thingies. I do remember writing out CD after CD after CD around '99-'01' because my tiny 10GB drive couldn't store the hundreds of CD's I'd written out. These days, that is not a problem.

Comment Re:I don't like Musk but I admire him. (Score 1) 248

I've got a second hand model S, and live in Norway ..

1. I've never had a larger more convenient car. It was cheap too, for a sedan Loading capacity? Well, I managed to stack 24 60 liter bags of firewood into it a couple of winters ago. That was _neat_. The seller couldn't believe how spacious the car is.
2. It's RWD, but has only caused me problems once. Hill start in icy conditions.
3. Never been a problem for me, and I've encountered -20C (-4F) several winters in a row.
4. Maybe on non-model S models.
5. Standard type 2 charger.

Comment Re:He's at the crossroads of the most important te (Score 1) 248

As a Norwegian .. one of the most common car brands on the road is Tesla. Heck, I bought a second hand model S. I can stop at any parking lot, and the most common car brand alone is .. Tesla.

In recent years, more other electric cars are around in addition, but I mean - Tesla has by far the best charging infrastructure, and is a cheap and fun car to buy.

Comment Re:Congratulations (Score 1) 206

The point is that Nuclear doesn't generate tons of CO2. We need to use less coal, less oil, less gas. We can do that with wind and solar, but those doesn't always generate.

It should be pretty obvious, but we need lots and lots of electricity generation. Germany shut down their nuclear power plants, and firing coal plants like crazy. Poland has some massively polluting coal plants (BeÅchatÃw comes to mind). We need massive amounts of new, and always generating, power plants. There is no real chance of building all that out with wind, solar and hydro - plus battery capacity - in time to reach the goal.

Thus nuclear is the solution.

Comment Re:Plenty of fuel (Score 1) 354

Funny you claim that. I have no first or second hand information about the fuel situation, but I've got some British colleagues at work who have gone home to visit friends in the last few months - and they all report back about random empty shelves and that the UK really seem to have a transportation problem ..

Comment Re:lol @ you stupid pessimistic fools (Score 3, Insightful) 148

So, I think you read the wrong thing into that.

Fusion being 50 years away just means "we have no idea how to get there yet". The joke, which you've obviously heard, is that fusion used to be 50 years away in the 1950s, and it's still 50 years away in 2021. It's used to mean that "we don't know how to achieve it yet".

Something being 10 years away, on the other hand, means that "we know everything we need to know to get there, now it's just a matter of funding and construction".

It's not about optimism or pessimism, really. And it's not really about the actual time needed neither. In the 1940s, going to the moon was way "more than 50 years away". Then it happened at breathtaking speed.

Comment Re:Stupid idea for a protest (Score 2) 582

Hi there.

I'm clearly a big fan of vaccinations. And mask mandates. And school closures. I hate the anti-vax crowd, and the misinformation spread within their groups.

I still think it's wrong to close down the groups and censor them. That will drive them further underground, but still be easy enough to find. It'll just be more difficult to engage with them for people with a better view of the real world.

Comment I wish I would want another Google phone. (Score 1) 58

I remember when I still liked the Google phones. Stock android is so much better than the other providers who fill'em with various crap.

The problem is that they're too big. Waaay too big. The last Google Phone I found to have an acceptable size of was Google Nexus 4. After that, it's gotten worse and worse.

The Nexus 4 was 133.9 x 68.7. This one is 156.2 x 73.2.

If we go all the way back to my *favorite* one, size-wise, we have to go back to the Nexus One, clocking in at 119 x 59.8.

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