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Comment Re: Slashdot Asks: Can Anything Replace 'QWERTY' (Score 1) 303

It's smart this way: some guys at IBM back in the '70s figured out the best way to poll the keys is to always report idle except when a release directly follows a press and then report the chord that existed between those 2 events. That's what your brain wants. With 8 keys there are of course 255 useful chords plus the idle chord. 127 with 7 the keys I usually implement. It's pretty much all explained in the downloadable source and instructions.

Comment Re:Could harm national security? (Score 1) 112

"The Washington Post agreed to withhold certain details about the compromised missile project at the request of the Navy, which argued that their release could harm national security."

So letting Americans know what the Chinese know is a threat. That's hard for me to understand.

Comment a solution to the surveillance dilemma (Score 1) 84

We could protect freedom by sacrificing privacy.

Let anyone collect data as massively as they like but require that access to that be free and open to all, along with all analysis tools. Not just the government, everybody. Sort of a GNU-like approach.

I don't mind you seeing mine as long as I can see yours

Comment Re:Keyboards will be replaced by other keyboards (Score 1) 302

It's about mobility, amigo. The competition isn't a 101 qwerty on a desk, it's you moving your thumbs as fast as you can on your little telephone.

Anyway, I've been at over 40 wpm for years. Way faster than I ever was on a qwerty. Who knows what one of you supersonic thumbers could achieve.

As for you, card puncher: details matter.

Comment Keyboards will be replaced by other keyboards (Score 1) 302 I don't give a damn what they say, chording will rise again :-)

It tickles me, sort of, when people say chording is too hard for people to learn and they'll prefer surgery instead. Or that folks will want to say out loud everything they might type. Or that the folks around them would tolerate them doing that.

Comment Re:Elon, there's other stuff to do (Score 1) 184

Coward, when you brake you convert your car's kinetic energy to heat in your brake pads or, at best, recharge a battery with efficiency way lower than 100%. When you accelerate back up to your original speed, you use fuel or battery charge (which came from fuel) to replace that kinetic energy. So you don't want to stop. By far the most efficient way to get through the light is to coast through it in neutral. Honestly, I thought everyone knew this.

Comment Elon, there's other stuff to do (Score 3, Insightful) 184

I personally have thought up half a dozen cheap ways to give drivers who are approaching traffic lights enough information that they don't have to hit it red and stop --- things that work like the countdowns provided by pedestrian walk lights. And it doesn't have to be mandatory. If maybe 30% of drivers use the inforrmation to coast through, then the other 70% will have no choice. A lot of gas could probably be saved.

This sort of thing has probably been patented many times but I've never see any mention of it anywhere. Take it and run, Elon.

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