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Comment ACM book on this (Score 1) 32

I've recently been working my way through an excellent book published by the ACM following the companies and products which resulted in the modern networking stack we take for granted today: Circuits, Packets and Protocols: Entrepreneurs and Computer Communications, 1968-1988. It's an amazing history of dozens of companies, products and people most of which have been largely forgotten or (at best) relegated to footnotes.

Comment pfSense ftw (Score 1) 520

I believe all of this is possible (even multiple SSIDs with one router) with OpenWRT or DD-WRT on certain hardware, but I never got it working right. I just ended up using an two Linksys routers (one with open wifi, one encrypted) and pfSense as a router. You can even do this with just pfSense and couple wireless cards. Private wifi bridges to the local network, public is on an isolated subnet. pfSense traffic shaping keeps users in check. I have a QOS class for "public" traffic which is limited to a couple mbit/sec down and few dozen kb/sec up. Rock solid, more than I can ever say for either of the Linksys routers.

I found pfSense: The Definitive Guide to be a decent dead trees source for getting started with pfSense.


Submission + - Dead People Scientists Keep Messing With (

An anonymous reader writes: Some historical figures are just too interesting to leave alone, even when they're supposed to be moldering in the grave. That's why medical researchers dug up Tycho Brahe, bombarded Napoleon's hair with neutrons in a nuclear reactor, and did everything they could think of to King Tut. Discover Magazine has 8 stories of delayed diagnoses and extreme postmortems.

Comment Private Zimbra installation (Score 1) 385

While it's totally overkill for the job, I highly recommend you run a Zimbra Open Source instance for yourself. Although you don't need much of what it provides (Calendaring, contact sync, Jabber IM, etc), it will let you store your messages in a stable, searchable and accessible form. Zimbra can directly import from PST or via IMAP (with your mail client or imapsync) and once it has your messages it full text indexes them with Lucene and so you can search them via the web or IMAP clients. You can easily get your messages out via one of the supported export formats or just use your IMAP mail client to dump the messages into mbox/maildir/pst/whatever. While you could certainly roll your own, why not let someone else take care of all the hard work for you?

Comment Skype + Auto Answer (Score 5, Informative) 253

Create a dedicated Skype account which is set to auto start video and accept calls from it's contact list, add your skype to that contact list and you're all set. All you have to do is click call whenever you're in your kitchen and there will be a video uplink. Runs on windows or mac with any old x86 box and webcam, pretty close to $0. Just make sure the PC doesn't go to sleep (more than $0).

Comment New type of microfilm (Score 2, Interesting) 90

This could have some neat applications. You can encode a large amount of information (like a detailed map of the world) in something the size of a marble and read it without power using an optical microscope. If done well, this could have applications for things from a modern rosetta stone to providing reference material for schools in places without electricity.

Comment Re:if you're in the intersection and it's red (Score 1) 976

Sorry dude, that is against the law in Mass. I've even been in a car where the driver was pulled over and given ticket for this. If you enter an intersection while it's green, but cannot make your left turn before it turns red, you've broken the law. :(

From the Mass RMV Drivers Manual:
"If you are crossing an intersection, make sure you have enough room to make it completely through. Never block an intersection."

Comment you're missing the implication (Score 3, Interesting) 309

if you artificially make the birthing process clean, you are not adequately inoculating your baby's digestive tract with the mother's gut flora

perhaps setting the kid up for opportunistic infection in the first days of life, inadequate digestion, malformed immune system (allergies), etc.

so you reacted to the ugliness of getting shat upon by your mother at birth, but your delicate sensibilities are not the issue: for millions of years, getting shit on at birth has meant we evolved with the timing of the introduction of the full spectrum of the mother's gut bacteria at time of birth. meaning a delay in that timing could be unhealthy for normal immune function, normal digestion function, etc.

we talk about how antiseptic living has increased allergies and other diseases. a clean birthing room might be a part of that constellation of problems. perhaps in the future, healthy child birth will consist of the doctor shoving his finger up the mother's ass and sticking it in the newborn's mouth to ensure full spectrum inoculation. this may sound disgusting to you, but it may be the healthiest thing you can do for a newborn's normal development

Comment Re:Many asians can't digest milk (Score 1) 309

Actually lactose intolerance isn't a disease. Basically anyone not from European descent or a few African tribes becomes unable to digest lactose right after childhood. That isn't that terrible either, the lactic bacteria in your guts turn the lactose into yoghurt's, with the little side effect of CO2 production.

That said, even if you are a regular human, you can drink a cup of regular cow milk a day with no side effects.

More interesting is the fact is that Mongolians are intolerant but(used to) drink large amounts of lactose-rich mare milk, probably aided by some strain of lactase producing bacteria, just like the Japanese with their algae-decomposing ones.

Comment Re:Well then (Score 4, Informative) 392

Can you name just five more of these things? Two real examples followed by some handwaving about dozens of others doesn't really convince, especially when everyone knows those are the only two interesting things about Solaris.

Here's five:

  • Crossbow
  • Kernel Mode CIFS Server
  • Zones
  • Logical Domains
  • COMSTAR: iSCSI & Fibre Channel five more reasons why ZFS counts as more than one 'feature'. Just cause it's easy to do with ZFS, doesn't each of these aren't killer features on their own.

  • Snapshots & Time Slider
  • Boot Environments
  • Checksums for Data Integrity ('zpool scrub' lets me sleep at night)
  • Deduplication
  • Hybrid Storage Pools (Hard Disks and Flash are more useful together)

ZFS+DTrace are great, but certainly not the only features Solaris10/OpenSolaris/SolarisNext have going for it.

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