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Comment not really news (Score 5, Informative) 62

For those of us with guns, and gun safes, the existence of these codes is well known after Liberty Safe co coughed them up without even receiving a warrant. Your safe is only secure until the government wants in. You're also better off with a combination lock, and a safe made by a local safe shop. Andrew

Comment Re:We used RPis in vertical farming commercially (Score 2) 45

This should absolutely be modded up. Lots of chemicals are used in organic farming. Neem oil is used as an insecticide. Lots of chemical alternatives are also used. As I noted I can plant plants that will keep insects out. I may not be able to spray Pyrethrum insecticide but I can plant it! Pyrethrum insecticide comes from a flower called Pyrethrum. Planting it intercropped, or as part of a hedge keeps many harmful insects out.

Comment Re:We used RPis in vertical farming commercially (Score 5, Informative) 45

Speaking as someone who does intensive gardening (as in enough to feed several people vegetables, berries, and such in a 25'x40' area, your answers show you have little experience working with dirt.
1. Farmland is getting expensive but unless you're planning on investing in kevlar or naurto-dodging bullets, rural land is cheaper.
2. You're powering those lights with what, mystical fairy farts? Solar panels or grid power cost a lot of money, though I do use small scale solar for microcontrollers
3. So can any standard greenhouse, and I can arduino control that too... Honestly RasPI4's are massive overkill.
4. Pest management isn't the insane amount of poison that Greenpeace would have you believe. Maintaining your soil ecology is a first step to avoiding most pests. Growing plants that attract beneficial insects around your garden does a surprising amount to stop pests. For larger rodent pests owl boxes work wonders.
5. fertilizer isn't measured by acre, it's measured by plant consumption. If you're growing less plants then you will use less fertilizer. If you grow more plants you will use more fertilizer. Most plants (I could get into cover cropping here, but choose not to) deplete the soil. Sustainable farming uses a lot of compost, bone meal, blood meal, feather meal, etc. which are waste products from other local farms.
6. you still haven't gotten around the HUGE power bill that comes with vertical farming. Making this approach carbon neutral vs row cropping is non-trivial. Farm equipment is run a lot less and pollutes a lot less than you think vs what is harvested. On most row crop farms a field is cultivated, seeded (sometimes both of these are done in one pass), sprayed, harvested, and tilled in a year. That's 5-6 passes of a tractor over a field in a year. Most large row-crop farms are planting swaths of 40-50' width each pass. This means that with the right equipment a farmer on his tractor can plant, fertilize, or harvest, thousands of acres a day. In exchange for running a diesel engine roughly equivalent to that in a Jeep Grand Cherokee diesel, with better pollution controls, for 14 hours 5 times a year, you get 1000 acres of corn...

Look, I get it, cityfolk are scared of big row crop farms because greenpeace says you need to be scared. Why not go meet a farmer and find out where your food really comes from.

Comment I already have this, this is news? (Score 1) 45

I have an ESP32-S2 Feather running C++ that does all of this, uses OpenWeatherMap and onboard sensors to measure and understand the environment, AND can automatically water. It takes into account the chances of rain in the next 24/48 hours, and outputs data to Grafana. I've also got it to where it rarely uses wifi, and can run on solar power. Currently it is using impact sprinklers to water a high intensity garden measuring ~40'x25'. I am hoping that by the end of next year I can target water each 4' wide bed using soaker hoses, or overhead watering, and an xbee as a controller, that reports back to the ESP32 handle reporting and logic. Each bed only really needs to know the local moisture level, and control a valve. This will allow me to reduce water usage somewhat by only watering beds that need it. I also need to point out that soaker hoses will keep me dry. One annoying initial software defect involved the sprinklers turning on while I was working in the garden. Did I mention it waters automatically? I've found that soil sensors from vegetronix are better than sparkfun/adafruit's offerings (though more expensive they tend to last). Perhaps if it's a bigger deal I could rent a tractor and tip it on it's side to call it "vertical farming".

Comment But now what do I do with this computer? (Score 1) 77

I recently invented this WOPR (War Operations Plan Response) computer to launch the nukes since John Spencer wouldn’t. Don’t you know that 30% of officers in those silos didn’t turn the key? I invented this computer all by myself, and not with the help of a dead guy on an island. Everything will work perfectly, and nothing can go wrong because it uses the latest in blinkylight AI technology. The missiles will launch on time, every time. And now this stupid law means I won’t get my billions in defense bucks.

Comment Illegal shady s**t (Score 5, Insightful) 84

You know, if you feds hadn't gotten caught breaking literally EVERY law that protects law abiding Americans from mass surveillance, the world probably wouldn't be wrapped in encryption today. Normal, rational people don't trust criminals like the FBI, MI5, etc. You had your chance and you blew it. You put yourself on this level.

Comment Re:FAKE (Score 1) 123

Aren't they in danger of creating a carnivore that can't or doesn't like hunting? Or a dodo that's vicious, or some other mockery of the original, that might fool our eyes but otherwise doesn't really relate to the original?

They're in danger of creating velociraptors with amphibian DNA. They were so concerned with whether or not they could they never stopped to think about whether or not they should.

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