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Comment Re:Gnome3, systemd etc. (Score 1) 450

When Debian pushed Gnome3 and the community didn't like it [...] Now there is the systemd debacle. A large number of people have voiced their disapproval [...]

You seem to be speaking for "the community", but I don't see any hard numbers suggesting that the majority of said community actually shares your opinions. Just because many voices cry out and cry loudly, does not make those voices representative of anything meaningful.

Comment Re:Other factors. (Score 1) 217

While they do have the necessary language support for functional programming, the fact that they are impure means that even when you're following the functional paradigm you can't count on the rest of the program playing by the same rules. Any call to external code may perform I/O or depend on or modify global mutable state.

Sure, but triggering side-effects during a fold can be perfectly sensible, and this doesn't make functional programming languages any less functional. Find me one person that considers this program to be non-functional, as your definition does:

let main = let list = [10; 2; 99; 30; 3] in
    map (fun x -> printf "%d\r\n" x);;

Comment Re:More factors to normalise out. (Score 3, Interesting) 217

Oh, I also forgot to mention:

and that your resources are freed deterministically the instant you are done with them, rather than "at some time in the future, maybe".

Except this can lead to extremely high latency due to cascading deletions, which is another potential source of performance problems in C/C++. If you try to bound the amount of work to do to avoid this problem, you necessarily introduce reclamation latency. Reclamation latency isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Comment Re:Other factors. (Score 3, Informative) 217

Having closures does not make a functional language, instead, what makes a functional language is referential transparency.

Scheme, Lisp, OCaml are all functional languages that are not referentially transparent. Pure functional languages require referential transparency, but impure functional languages do exist.

JavaScript is a functional language, but it's also procedural and object-oriented.

Comment Re:More factors to normalise out. (Score 1) 217

C/C++ certainly let you shoot yourself in the foot regarding correctness, but they generally don't make it easy to shoot yourself in the foot regarding performance.

Sure they do, you're less likely to go through the hassle of creating a data structure that would be optimal for your domain simply because of the complicated memory management issues it raises. This is a complete non-issue with GC'd languages, so you're far more likely to do the (asymptotically) right thing.

Comment Re:Redistribution (Score 1) 739

More people means more risk, more risk means more cost, that cost is distributed among the group by taking more of their income.

More people does not necessarily mean more risk. More people can in fact, and often does, mean less risk.

Ergo, more income is being redistributed. So although you are technically correct in your statement about causality; in the context of this scenario your statement is wrong.

Income redistribution plans apply to everyone. Obamacare applies only to those who get health insurance. Therefore, it's not an income redistribution plan.

Comment Re:Non-system Admin Here (Score 1) 863

That aside, will people please stop this constant masturbation about startup times? There are way, way, way more important things to deal with than edging out a few more seconds. Systemd provides me with no perceivable gains.

Since you argue about systemd from a user's perspective, then your own argument implies that you shouldn't care at all what sort of init system is in place, so why be against systemd? Given your view, it's purely a distribution's choice what init system to use because it's largely invisible to the user.

Comment Re: Snowden (Score 1) 221

For those of us living in the US (as in most democracies), I think most of the time they coincide reasonably well.

I doubt that very much. Most likely many of the ridiculous laws on the books are not enforced (like laws on sexual position), but that's not the same as what's illegal being roughly synonymous with what's wrong. It's a much repeated claim that pretty much everyone breaks some law at least once per day in the US.

Comment Re:Since these people still don't get it.... (Score 1) 79

Good luck starting a security company with the slogan "We provide 90% security!"

I don't know what you're talking about. If anything, that would be "90% fewer security vulnerabilities", which sounds like perfectly good marketing.

I do use Haskell myself for certain things, and I can tell you it's no problem creating insecure applications in Haskell.

I never said Haskell was the perfect language, just that it provides good examples of achieving the needed safety properties, in that it can be extended to verify many properties that may be of interest. I didn't define "safe" in my original post, as the requried "safety" properties are domain-specific. Memory safety is the minimum needed, which would automatically handle one of the most common vulnerabilities in single programs (buffer overflows). A language that can be used to specify and check the required properties is a "safe" language for a given domain. Many languages fit most problems, few languages may be safe for all problems (although possibly undesirable for other reasons).

If all we had were Haskell's DoS vulnerabilities, we would be in a much better place.

Most exploits are due to human errors they could have done in any language

Not a chance. Here's a list of the top 25 exploits from 2011. From this list, numbers 3 and 20 would have been solved right away by using any memory safe language. Most memory safe languages also implement overflow checking, so that's 24 off too.

Languages featuring parametric polymorphism can tag unsafe values received as user inputs, so you can easily solve vulnerabilities 1, 2, 10, 14, 22, and 23 (all you really need is parametric polymorphism -- I've even done this in C#).

The crypto entries can be handled with session types that expect encrypted packets, not plaintext. Even the selection of appropriate crypto algorithm can be constrained by various parameters and checked at compile-time, ie. a Haskell type class constraint could specify a whitelist of unbroken crypto algorithms for unrestricted use, and those which are only good in restricted scenarios.

Design by contract can handle precondition violations, ie. #18, and such contracts can be statically checked these days in Haskell, C# and Ada.

A capability-secure language would handle the rest (mainly "porous defense" category remains). Few languages implement full capability security properties, and they remain vulnerable to the extent that they violate those principles.

The point is that the needed safety properties to address most common security vulnerabilities have been known for decades. Capability security was invented in the 1960s, and memory safety has been available since the first Lisp. Unfortunately, many programmers aren't interested in safety properties because they're focused too much on raw speed, but don't want to spend the verification effort to use that speed safely (Frama-C or Ada), or they want to avoid all verification effort period (dynamically typed languages).

Comment Re:Since these people still don't get it.... (Score 1) 79

My point is that you can't depend on the language to protect you. I'm not saying you should ignore good technology choices because you know better than those crazy compiler people. But I do not believe that it is possible to create something that is completely unhackable.

With a theorem prover like Coq, you can statically check any property you want. So you'll have to more precisely define "unhackable" before "it is impossible to create something that is completely unhackable" can have a truth value.

If used extensively, the only bugs you can introduce with a theorem prover are specification bugs, ie. we implemented X but actually need Y. This can certainly introduce exploits in the sense of customer surprise that say, some private information is revealed when they didn't expect it, but I'm not sure I would call this a hack. The device is working perfectly as expected, it's the expectations themselves that were wrong.

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