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Comment Awful analysis by OP (Score 5, Insightful) 848

Time to update the Miranda warning to include: 'Anything you Tweet or post can and will be held against you in a court of law'?

Sorry but courts allow emails to be introduced as evidence so long as authenticity can be established. Why shouldn't this hold true for tweets and facebook posts? This has absolutely nothing to do with Miranda.

Comment Conversation probably went like this (Score 1) 123

If I had to guess, the conversation at Dreamhost probably went something along the lines of:

"The passwords are hashed though, right?"


"So they can't reverse the passwords out of it?"

"Virutally impossible."

"Is there any advantage they gain from having the hashed passwords?"

"Well, it would allow them to brute force their guesses against it without fear of being slowed down or blocked."

"But wouldn't they need to know our salting algorithm for that to be useful?"


"Let's go ahead and change the passwords."

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