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Comment Re:From the mouths of babes (Score 1) 189

I think you underestimate kids curiosity. If you are not there to try to impart your wisdom when they ask where children really come from, they will learn about it from their peers. If they ever confront you about Santa, chances are your fairy tale story about where children come from won't hold up to their newly found skepticism either, and if you keep avoiding the subject, you won't have any influence on their development. They didn't learn anything about it from you, so when you bring it up years after they figured it out for themselves, you won't have any authority on the matter whatsoever.

Comment Re:Learning about the world takes time. (Score 1) 189

I assume you don't play videogames, if so, you can't socialize when the topic comes up. I'm curious, do you think that by discussing videogames, someone is being socially backwards? Could it be that because you don't fit in whenever you are in a group of gamers, you project the awkward feeling you get onto others, then you avoid those awkward people? What is it that your circle of friends discuss? Sports? Books? Politics? Science? Movies? Girls? Cars? Fashion?

If you are talking about people who don't like to socialize at all, then it's obvious that they are simply lacking the motivation to be social, or they suffer from social phobia, so they spend a lot of time doing things by themselves, regardless of what their interests may be. Children fantasize all the time, taking on all kinds of roles. That's how they practice socializing.

Comment Re:Excellent (Score 1) 128

A few years ago, some researchers from my hometown made some significant discoveries regarding regenerating auditory nerves. (I used to hang out with a relative of Helge, so this was very easy for me to google.)

"In 2004 Helge Rask-Andersen and his associates found immature stem cells in the inner ear of adults, a sensational piece of news in the research world. They have also managed to cultivate hearing nerves from stem cells and human tissue from donated cochleae."

"Regeneration of human auditory nerve. In vitro/in video demonstration of neural progenitor cells in adult human and guinea pig spiral ganglion.

Big Dipper "Star" Actually a Sextuplet System 88

Theosis sends word that an astronomer at the University of Rochester and his colleagues have made the surprise discovery that Alcor, one of the brightest stars in the Big Dipper, is actually two stars; and it is apparently gravitationally bound to the four-star Mizar system, making the whole group a sextuplet. This would make the Mizar-Alcor sextuplet the second-nearest such system known. The discovery is especially surprising because Alcor is one of the most studied stars in the sky. The Mizar-Alcor system has been involved in many "firsts" in the history of astronomy: "Benedetto Castelli, Galileo's protege and collaborator, first observed with a telescope that Mizar was not a single star in 1617, and Galileo observed it a week after hearing about this from Castelli, and noted it in his notebooks... Those two stars, called Mizar A and Mizar B, together with Alcor, in 1857 became the first binary stars ever photographed through a telescope. In 1890, Mizar A was discovered to itself be a binary, being the first binary to be discovered using spectroscopy. In 1908, spectroscopy revealed that Mizar B was also a pair of stars, making the group the first-known quintuple star system."

Comment Re:Privacy (Score 1) 671

Yes, it is in fact covered under article 12 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

"Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 671

I see. We can all trust that there won't be any repercussions when doing something that is not illegal in any way, like exposing illegal activity, even if it angers powerful people who think they are above the law. We can all rest assured that no one will be able to purchase our personal details in order to ruin our lives through social engineering, or to simply pinpoint your location so their henchmen can find you. We are lucky to live in societies where everyone is incorruptible, because otherwise the societies within society could abuse the system for their own purposes.

Oh what a utopia we live in where only lawbreakers could possibly have any need for privacy. Hallelujah!

Comment Re:Super mutants going cheap (Score 1) 425

You should patent your FEV and then license it out to companies itching to start manufacturing super mutants. That way you don't have to have to worry about marketing and can spend your time researching the next version. Seriously, you need better marketing. I didn't even know your product was for sale.

Comment Re:I fear the day (Score 1) 655

For the people who keep playing daily for years, yes. But there are plenty of people who play an MMO until they have gotten as far as they can without having to follow a schedule to get further.

I played WoW for the game, and I especially liked the economy aspect of it, but I only really enjoyed WoW until I couldn't get much further without having to spend hours studying every dungeon and then courting a decent guild. WoW has little to offer the gamers who don't want to make commitments to a guild, yet want to keep playing instead of spending ages finding the final player the group need in order to finish an instance once some random guy drops out, then spending even more time finding another player again when someone else has to leave a while later. Also, spending 10 minutes running back to an instance after a wipe is not my idea of a good time, and it didn't really increase my satisfaction when I finally finished the instance, it just motivated me to study instances in advance, which really killed the suspense and immersion I felt when I was in an area I knew nothing about.

However, the reason I finally stopped playing was because my ignore list maxed out during the Dirge scourge. (Dirge is a very rare but underpowered weapon that trolls spammed the trade channel with a link to in order to piss people off. Whenever someone linked it, ten more people would follow suit, filling the trade channel with [Dirge] lines, so you couldn't read the legitimate trade banter.) If there are a thousand trolls on my shard, I'd like the ability to ignore them permanently whenever they make themselves known, thank you very much. Since Blizzard chose to tolerate disruptive retards who were obviously acting out of order, they didn't really supply the game experience the ToS claimed to offer.

In my opinion Blizzard lost profit in the long run by not doing enough to save face when a small minority repeatedly disrespected them. If I'm in a pub plagued by unruly drunks being a nuisance, I leave and go to one that does ban disorderly patrons. Really, a couple of thousand bans and a few notices reminding people of the ToS would have stopped the spam that some really immature "rebels" thought was hysterically funny since they could break rules and annoy people without any consequences whatsoever. They choose to keep the idiots around, so they lose the people who do expect disruptive players to get banned.

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