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Comment Re:News! people don't like music they don't like.. (Score 1) 183

and the fact that in the 1910s that it was premiered in france, i think? the french back then were revolutionaries musically, i can't accept very easily that they rioted against a musical piece that was so close at home

The French were musical revolutionaries back then, absolutely (Ravel, Debussy, Boulez et al), but this was the ballet crowd remember, and the venue was brand new. The vast majority of patrons attending the premiere would have been wealthy socialites expecting to see traditional ballet, with a smaller number of the avant-garde crowd who absolutely despised the former group.

Comment Re:Why mention Schoenberg? (Score 1) 183

We can only imagine what Palestrina sounded like to people brought up on Gregorian chant. Today, it still sounds beautiful, but it also sounds very old. We can't imagine what was in the minds of the people who rioted at the premiere of The Rite of Spring. Hell, most of us can't even imagine what the big deal was about Elvis Presley! Why did anyone think that old music was shocking and an affront to civilization?

It was the dancing and staging of The Rite of Spring (remember it was a ballet), and the persona of Elvis that offended people, rather than the music itself.

Comment Re:News! people don't like music they don't like.. (Score 1) 183

It was the staging of the ballet and the dancing itself, combined with the subject matter, that caused the audience to riot, not so much the music. Plus there's plenty of evidence that the whole thing was staged to garner publicity. Later performances of The Rite of Spring without the ballet were actually well received.

Comment Re:That's a bit of an arrogant assumption (Score 1) 327

Highly skilled professionals have families to feed and bills to pay. The amount of rehearsal time alone for 17 complete symphonies just isn't practically possible to do for basically no money. You may get the odd one or two, but odds are the vast majority won't be seasoned professionals. And then, there's the conductor...

Comment Re:Beautiful (Score 1) 58

You're mistaken. Choral music has largely escaped the atonal mess that largely dominated the mid-to-late 20th century. Most choral composers know how to write music effectively, music that doesn't cater to their own egotistical desire to "push the boundaries", or to the expectations and wishes of a Ph.D supervisor.

Not saying all contemporary instrumental is crap...there's lots of good stuff out there, to be honest. But contemporary choral music, probably due to the medium, is so much more accessible.

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