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Comment Re:Nice! (Score 1) 216

So why are harddrives based of powers of 1000, and RAM is not? And no, network speaks are still powers of 1024, such as 100 megabits being 104857600 bits. HDD's have always been the odd one out, and for what good reason? Because it's cheaper for them. Right?

Sorry, but the SI prefixes are usually used correctly when denoting transfer rates in networking documentation. 100 megabits/second means 100,000,000 bits/second. Memory is the big exception. Software is also a common exception, since it's written by people whose familiarity with those prefixes is often primarily through using them, or seeing them used, in reference to memory.

It seems like a lot of people are forgetting that the SI prefixes have been around much longer, and have a much broader use, than just the computer industry. All of this confusion is just a perfect example of why clear and distinct notation is important.

Comment Re:Nice! (Score 1) 216

'tera' is the SI prefix for 1,000^4 (or 1,000,000,000,000). So, 'terabyte' does literally mean 1,000,000,000,000 bytes.

1,099,511,627,776 = 1,024^4 That would be 1 tebibyte(TiB) using the prefixes for powers of 1024 that have been standardized and supported by many international standardization bodies.

The reason people still use SI prefixes when referring to powers of 1024 is because that is what they have been using for a long time prior to the standardization of binary prefixes. Many people don't like change, and many more simply aren't up to date on the new standardized binary prefixes.

Comment Re:uhhh (Score 2) 545

If that were the whole story then it would be end of thread. Verizon changed the LAN side password remotely using their backdoor to the system. The backdoor uses a completely different authentication system. The only time the LAN side access password is useful is if you're already on the network, at which point there are probably more pressing security issues.

It's also useful if an attacker can, by any means, get any one of the people already on the network to visit a URL. If an attacker knows that many people are using the same password on their routers, he simply has to setup the exploit once then use any technique he prefers to bring in visitors. (ad networks, gain access to a popular site and modify a page or two, spam the URL all over the place, etc.)

Comment Re:Charge YOU? (Score 1) 194

How much are YOU getting charged to auction the spectrum off to the carriers? I don't get it.

Where do you think the carriers get the money to participate in these auctions? Personally I think the US couldn't be going faster in the wrong direction. Rather then allowing another spectrum to be bough up the US Govt should be selecting a single 4G spectrum and forcing all Telco's to use that one spectrum. Now before the Randroids come in with their "OMG Socialism" rants let me explain. This will create more competition in the market and make things easier for you, the consumer. Right now if you buy a Verizon phone, you are stuck on the Verizon network no, even if you pay the ETF you still cant use that phone anywhere else. If you want to switch to AT&T's 3G services you need a phone that works on the AT&T freq. Picking one freq allows you to buy a handset from any carrier or even a retail store and use it with any carrier. This will also allow for the creation of better MVNO's and smaller local carriers.

Technically, a Verizon handset will work on Sprint, US Cellular, Cricket, etc. The reason you can't actually do this, with the exception of Cricket and some MVNOs, is that the major carriers refuse to allow devices with serial #s that aren't already in their system to be activated with their service. However, the reason you can't use a Verizon, Sprint, or USCC handset on AT&T or T-Mobile's networks isn't just because they operate on different frequencies, but because they use different, incompatible, communication standards.

I don't agree that the government should force everyone to use a single standard for cellular radio communications. However, I would like to at least be able to use devices I already own on services they are already compatible with. I don't expect the carrier to provide any support for my devices, but they shouldn't be blocking their use for arbitrary reasons either..

Comment Re:Cell data (Score 1) 62

How much data does it really take to position the graphical objects that fit on a cellphone screen? It should be a fraction of the bandwidth consumed by a phone call.

According to TFA, cell phone screens are still too small. This is intended for devices with larger screens that will be coming out using a new nvidia chipset and running Android.

Comment Re:Opera users didnt have a problem (Score 2) 466

It should be a clue from the telephone number. Another number I use a lot is 212 555 1212. :)

The address is an arbitrary mail drop. Try mailing me a letter. It'll get returned by the folks there, that have never heard of me.

Then what prevents you from losing your domain if someone were to report it for having inaccurate contact info? Yeah, it's rare. Although, you did just draw attention to it in a very popular public forum where many assholes are known to frequent...

Comment Re:Virtual Goods (Score 1) 103

I can only shake my head at someone who spent around 1000 euros, dollars, etc on some string of 1's and 0's in a database for virtual furniture and/or pets. At least my real dogs will have a shot at chewing up a thief before they get out of the house unlike the virtual counterparts. :)

Why would they store data in a string consisting of only of '1' and '0' characters?

Comment Re:Hard drive (Score 1) 264

You don't even need to remove it from the board, just connect up some leads to the pins and you can read it without leaving a single scratch. That's what my solder-less Wii mod chip does, it's a socket that fits right over the chip and has contacts that touch the pins.

Except that the pins are not so easily accessible on an IC in a BGA package:

Comment Re:Throw me a bone. (Score 1) 615

Now instead of a walmart tracphone. you buy a "clean" prepaid phone from vito that is registered to a 14 year old cheerleader in the hamptons.

See, you had me until you pointed out that under the status quo, walmart gets paid, and under this proposed law walmart won't be selling as much and some rich 14 year old bimbo loses her phone.

I call that "win-win!"

Who said she loses her phone? It would probably be a completely different phone which is also registered under her name.

Comment Re:Stolen phone market (Score 1) 615

Yes, and I'm certain that drug kingpins would buy the cellphone with their own, entirely legitimate photo ID. Aye, you touch on a good point. This will just create a demand among criminals for freshly stolen phones. Steal a phone, use it illegally for a day or two and toss it in a greyhound bus bound for opposite coast to fuck with gps surveillance attempts.

They could use a fake or stolen id. They could pay, or pressure, others to buy phones for them. They could buy from a store clerk who's sympathetic to their cause and willing to enter made up identity information. Their options are only limited by the combined creativity of those in their social network.

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