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Comment Re:Dual core vs Quad core? (Score 1) 223

Yes is quad VS dual core, but they still sell for the same price. If you compared the A8/A10 to a quad core Intel, it would cost about 33% more at minimum, then people would complain that the Intel costs more and it's not a fair comparison to AMD. Per clock cycle and per core, Intel simply destroys AMD. Factor in price and what you may be using the chip for, and it starts to become a little more competitive. If money is no issue, than an i5/i7 Ivy bridge with dedicated graphics is simply unbeatable. I own an Ivy Bridge i7 and a Phenom II 970 and in some tasks I can't tell a difference.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 223

Also keep in mind that if you utilize the GPU for computing at all, your workload will finish sooner. So yes the power consumption is higher up front but if you finish the job sooner, you still end up consuming the same or less power, and you saved time. This is important with any processor.

Comment Re:Problem: DirectX lock-in (Score 1) 880

Very well said. Vendor lock-in is the biggest issue with switching games over. Let's not forget about the likely scenario that games won't give the same FPS on linux as they would on Windows. For the die hard game enthusiast, frame rates are extremely important. Look at all the people dumping boatloads of cash on video cards just to get obscene frame rates. Take a 10-15% hit by switching software? Good luck convincing some of the people to do that.

Comment Re:I hope its way more than $16k (Score 1) 143

As mentioned below, total weight is a big part. If it's a solitaire, it's an I3 clarity with horrible color and cut. You can get 3 carats for under 20 if the quality is that bad. If you have a ring with 1-1.5 total carat weight of smaller melee diamonds, they can be almost worthless depending on quality. Either way, if it's a $200 ring, the sentimental meaning of it is priceless. It hurts the victim just as much, sometimes more if the ring isn't worth much. I think that's the worst part of all this. Loosing your engagement ring to theft is just a horrible feeling, and the suspect needs to be pretty heartless.

Comment Still an AMD fanboy (Score 5, Insightful) 123

It's unfortunate, but regardless, I will be a die hard AMD supporter. They've helped keep the market competitive, have much better business practices, and always have the end-user in mind with regards to their CPU socket configurations. Or should I say configuration? One socket for a massive range of CPUs. I like being in control of my upgrades. I can't stand that Intel changes MB socket types with damn near every CPU and expect it to be alright to fork over a couple hundred bucks in addition to the CPU price. AMD has never let me down since I switched during the K7 era. I for one can not wait for the Bulldozer. I know right now the new Sandy Bridge chip is simply amazing but I can wait a few months.

Sony Gets Nasty With PSBreak Buyers 246

YokimaSun writes "The war between hackers and Sony over the PlayStation 3 has now taken an even more sinister turn, with Sony going after not just shops but actual buyers of the PSBreak dongle, threatening them with fines of many thousands of Euros and forcing them to sign cease-and-desist letters. It seems Sony will use any means necessary to thwart both homebrew and piracy on the PS3."
XBox (Games)

Microsoft Unveils New Xbox 360 Wireless Controller 150

adeelarshad82 writes "Microsoft unveiled a new wireless Xbox 360 controller, which features a revamped D-pad that transforms from a plus to a disc. The new D-pad was developed to address complaints from users. Other new features include: A, B, X, and Y buttons that are gray instead of the standard red, green, yellow, and blue; and a matte silver color. The controller includes 2.4-GHz wireless technology with a 30-foot range."
Hardware Hacking

iFixit Moves Into Console Repair 75

sk8pmp writes with news that iFixit, a website known for Apple gadget teardowns and repair guides, is expanding into the game console market, launching a series of troubleshooting and repair guides to help gamers fix their own machines. They're also starting to sell replacement parts and the tools necessary to work on them. "Right now there are repair guides for 24 gaming consoles, including 206 repairs and upgrades. Some of these fixes deal with major issues, such as the infamous Red Ring of Death from the Xbox 360, but others are simpler. For instance, right now there is no easy way to clean out the fans inside your console. 'I think this is probably the number one cause of overheating these days now that manufacturers have mostly gotten their act together,' Wiens said. 'This is routine maintenance, and it's mind-boggling that the manufacturers don't provide people with an easy way to open the case up and blow it out.' You'll also learn how to replace broken LCD screens on your portables, replace the motherboard on your PlayStation 3, and do just about anything else you might want to do to these systems, from the simple to the harrowing."

Prince Says Internet Is Over 450

the_arrow writes "According to the artist currently known as Prince, 'The internet's completely over.' At least that what he says in an interview with the British newspaper Mirror. Quoting Prince: 'The internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you.'"

Comment Your arguement is missing a key point... (Score 1) 253

May be true but unlike the iPhone, you have a lot more than one or two phone options with the Android platform. The Droid doesn't have any issues. The Droid X doesn't seem to have this issue, but we won't know for sure until the 15th when it hits the masses. I don't hate the iPhone. I still use the G1 myself and have been happy with it. I like having a qwerty keyboard which the iPhones will never offer. The Moto Droid is one of the strongest overall phones to date, for me. Everyone has a difference or preference though, which is why the iPhone simply can't be for everyone. That and I wouldn't be caught dead running on the AT&T network.
XBox (Games)

New Xbox 360 S Uses Less Power, Makes Less Noise 176

Vigile writes "Microsoft unveiled a new Xbox 360 S console at E3 this month, and without delay the new machine has been dissected and tested. The most dramatic change is the move to a single-chip CPU/GPU hybrid processor that is apparently being built on the 45nm process technology from GlobalFoundries, AMD's spun-off production facilities. With the inclusion of the new processor, the Xbox 360 S uses much less power (about 30-40%) compared to previous generation machines, and also turns out to be much quieter as a result of a single, larger fan. This article has photographic evidence of the teardown, with comparisons between this Valhalla platform and the older Falcon system, along with videos of the reconstruction process and noise comparisons." The new console also takes measures to protect itself from overheating, so RRoDs shouldn't be a problem with this revision.

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