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Comment Re:Partial answer to Fermi's paradox? (Score 1) 80

For the sake of this discussion, let's assume that the Judeo-Christian God is real.

We're probably the first sentient beings to evolve because it doesn't make sense for God to incarnate himself as Christ here on Earth. If sentient beings exist on other planets, alien God incarnates (alien Christs) have to die multiple times to save the entire universe.

Comment Re:SMS - most expensive data transmission (Score 1) 34

Dear American,

SMS is the *least* expensive way to send data in developing countries. Here in the Philippines, normal SMS costs only 0.02USD per message. It costs 0.49USD for 1 day unlimited SMS. Unlimited 3G/HSDPA costs 1.23USD per day. LTE is currently free because it's still being tested in selected cities.

Comment Re:Reminds me a contact from Google (Score 1) 233

Some guy from Google contacted me too, and I wished he screened me by asking how to design a solution for a very deep and technical problem, instead of expecting me to memorize things that can easily be googled or browsed through the man pages.

Fresh graduates have an edge with Google's hiring process. I've been developing software for quite some time now, but I no longer remember the Big O thingy for standard sorting algorithms.

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