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Comment mac and adobe (Score 1) 233

Compared to tools like Autodesks' Flame (linux native) Adobe©®'s programs are amateur; GIMP and Inkscape even more so. When you can't provide an AI or PSD clients will simply turn elsewhere. Unfortunately, not learning these tools is a career killer. Balsimiq, Inkscape and GIMP are not currently the industry standard and Adobe©® skills remain a must-have in a Web Devs toolkit. Sure you can design directly in the browser, but sometimes having a rough mock-up will help save your most precious resource-- time. I work with a dual monitor setup, one running ubuntu the other OS X.

Comment odyssey (Score 2) 239

I left to never come back to a great paying job of 2 yrs as the sole graphic designer staring at a monitor for 9hrs/day in a room with no windows, with lots of overtime and no chance of me actually getting to take my 2 weeks paid vacation. I got in my truck, drove 4500 miles over 4 months (stopped at 27 different national parks/forests) and finally arrived and landed a job on a whale watching boat in Juneau Alaska for the summer. After the summer, I boarded a jet and traveled to New Zealand where I stayed for 6 months hiking and exploring the South and North Island. Now guess where I am. The owner ended up calling me as soon as I got back to town. They had been through a succession of multiple hires (10+) trying to replace me and couldn't find anyone who had the right combination of skills/state of mind. Their most recent hire had literally stormed out exclaiming, "Bunch of hillbillies!" They called me desperate and offered a very attractive hourly wage. I agreed to come back until I could personally train someone correctly. I traveled an entire world away so I could end up same as when I left. So I guess... I fell into it.

Comment unlikely solution (Score 1) 760

With USA being in the top 3 most populated, and a relatively low infant mortality rate... (46th of 224 countries). Your solution may work for developing countries, but not for those already developed. With states constantly refusing public school sex ed classes (Legislator's vote down sex ed bill), major politicians supporting absitnence as the only contraceptive and leaders whom also condemn masturbation... Our population is in trouble. My highschool sex ed class was little more than a P.E. Coach talking about how he used to have tons of money and then lost it all.

Massachusetts Bids To Restrict Internet Indecency 214

Remember the Communications Decency Act? Enacted 1996, found unconstitutional 1997. Or its successor attempt to reduce discourse on the Internet to what is suitable for 8-year-olds, the Child Online Protection Act? Invalidated 2003. Seven state laws attempting to restrict Internet content on grounds of decency have been struck down. Despite all this, Massachusetts has now added a couple of paragraphs to its (traditionally bricks-and-mortar) indecency law that applies a "harmful to minors" test to Internet content. The ACLU of Massachusetts and others have brought suit to block the law, which went into effect on July 11. Coincidentally, today a US appeals court tossed out the FCC's indecency policy.

Antidepressants In the Water Are Making Shrimp Suicidal 182

Antidepressants may help a lot of people get up in the morning but new research shows they are making shrimp swim into that big bowl of cocktail sauce in the sky. Alex Ford, a marine biologist at the University of Portsmouth, found that shrimp exposed to the antidepressant fluoxetine are 5 times more likely to swim towards light instead of away from it. Shrimp usually swim away from light as it is associated with birds or fishermen.

RIAA Accounting — How Labels Avoid Paying Musicians 495

An anonymous reader writes "Last week, we discussed Techdirt's tale of 'Hollywood Accounting,' which showed how movies like Harry Potter still officially 'lose' money with some simple accounting tricks. This week Techdirt is taking on RIAA accounting and demonstrating why most musicians — even multi-platinum recording stars — may never see a dime from their album sales. 'They make you a "loan" and then take the first 63% of any dollar you make, get to automatically increase the size of the "loan" by simply adding in all sorts of crazy expenses (did the exec bring in pizza at the recording session? that gets added on), and then tries to get the loan repaid out of what meager pittance they've left for you. Oh, and after all of that, the record label still owns the copyrights.' The average musician on a major record deal 'gets' about $23 per $1,000 made... and that $23 still never gets paid because it has to go to 'recouping' the loan... even though the label is taking $630 out of that $1,000, and not counting it towards the advance. Remember all this the next time a record label says they're trying to protect musicians' revenue."

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