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Comment Re:Questions for all the 25 yo coders (Score 1) 429

If you are considering athleticism as a metric for programming ability, the entire industry is fucked.

And by the way - I am 47 and was a jock in high school and college, military (USMC), and still workout quite a bit. I recently beat a couple of varsity swimmers in both the 500 and 1000 (back to back - they go to University of Maryland), swim 9 mile ocean swims every year with the Ocean City Maryland Beach patrol (might only do the 3 mile this year) swim across the Cheasapeake Bay every year, and regularly kike the AT - I did 20 miles of the Maryland section last weekend. Now, it is true that I can;t compete with my younger self, but.... I say bring it the fuck on.

BTW, biking is for pansies.

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