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That Laptop-Bricking USB Stick Just Got Even More Dangerous ( 93

From a report on ZDNet: Remember that USB stick that would destroy almost anything in its path, from laptops, photo booths, kiosks, to even cars? The makers of the USB Kill stick have created a more powerful version with a higher voltage and amp output, and a three-times faster pulse rate of up to 12 times a second. And, with microUSB, USB-C, and Lightning adapters, the USB Kill claims to be able to kill iPhones, iPads, and other devices, like phones, tablets, and digital cameras. The company says it's "designed to test the surge protection circuitry of electronics to their limits." In other words, its purpose is destroying expensive kit.

Comment Doom Alpha (Score 1) 351

I remember getting a copy of a DOOM Alpha.

None of the monsters moved, you could jump and crouch (it crashed if you were walking crouched backwards up stairs). It had an option in the menu to hi-color support (which didn't work - crash). But we were in awe of what it looked like, compared to say Wolf3D.

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