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Comment Total Wipes? (Score 1) 165

Total Wipes, on the other hand, appears to target sites indiscriminÃately based on keywords,...

Wait, so there's a company called Total Wipes doing porn copyright infringement management? What a wasted use for the name in that industry.

Comment Re:Up north (Score 1) 302

Oh Scotland. You had a chance to get away from this madness.

Scotland isn't governed by the City of London, nor is London governed by the City of London either. Scotland is governed by the Scottish Parliament, then the UK parliament (where Scotland has a powerful voice) and then the European Union (where nobody but undemocratically selected people have absurd amount of powers - The 'no' voters still wanted to be part of the EU mind you).

Sure, that's a given. But England in general seems to be really tripping when it comes to internet regulation, both local and national scale. Disassociating from this whole madness, even if it doesn't directly affect them, seems like a good idea.

As for EU, I have a bit different view on it, but at least they seem to have a good view on end-user rights, and actively try to act in their interests. Not in all cases of course, but in many.

Comment The IT side, not the students (Score 2) 191

I think the question is completely wrong, it's not how they should remember their passwords. It's why do they have several usernames and passwords in the first place?

First the resources that are school controlled should of course be behind one username/password pair, preferably SSO for the web parts (e.g. a CAS variant is quite simple).

For external resources, is there a real reason they really need to log in? E.g. can IP based access control or something work for some cases. I understand you don't control everything, but as users(/customers) one can at least complain, and try to push it in the right direction. If there is a reson to log in, do they support something like Shibboleth/SAML or OpenID for login federation? If so, that should be used. It's not trivial, but making the lives of the students hard for something stupid like that is even worse

I think that for an elementary school student, if the amount of username/password pairs they need is over 1, there's something wrong somewhere.

Comment Re:Taixs are leases? (Score 1) 276

I see two basic ways this ends up being implemented (not working). Also there might be some combination of these methods.

1) You have people pick you up and take you places. This will work reasonably well for pre-planned activities - such as your commute, but be very crappy for spontaneous needs. Just like normal taxis.

Actually this is overkill normal work commuting. For most of that a basic combination of bus/tram/train/metro/ferry works fine.

Kutstuplus is a service between a taxi (and Uber) and a bus. They have had it running as a test for a while now. You have a mobile app where you enter where from and where to you want to go. Their side takes the request and optimises it into one of the routes of their minibuses, and returns a suggested pickup place (it uses bus stops) + time and dropoff place + time. So a single car services a lot of people at once. The transport time might not be quite as fast as a taxi, but it's cheaper.

I haven't sadly used it myself, since their current test service is limited to areas I don't travel between. But I'm excited for it to be more widespread

Comment Re:Everything. (Score 1) 573

Ok, I hadn't had much time to look at the new site, but I thought it seemed nice. I haven't delved deep into the commenting system. Mainly because well, to be honest the /. commenting sucks. It used to be the best thing ever, but the web has moved on since 1995. Compare to e.g. the reddit commenting system.

I barely use /. anymore because there are much simpler and easier sites. I think the beta seemed like a good step in the right direction. It feels much cleaner and less cluttered,

But that is just my 2c

Comment Bitcoin is not anonymous (Score 5, Informative) 691

I agree with some points, but in general he seems to be only somewhat correct.

First of all, BitCoin is not anonymous. BitCoin is pseudonymous. Once mining dies out (which also solves a lot of his other qualms), you need to trade bitcoins some way. You have to exchange your real money to bitcoins. ALL transactions are public which means it's really easy to start profiling people. In the future it's probably easier to trace a person's bitcoin transactions than normal ones.

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