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Comment Re:A Serious Fan Could Apologize This All Away (Score 1) 111

If the energy shields could only stop energy and not physical materials from entering, then the rebel shield makes sense. The Star Destroyers are too massive to get below the shield without crashing to the planet and yet all of their weapons are ion or energy based. So you have to transport in ground troops and walk them in.

The shields the Gungans used in the prequels seemed like that. It could stop weapon fire from outside, but the droids could just walk inside of it without any trouble.

Comment Re:Shocking, I say (Score 1) 162

/. is slipping, usually it's 90% complainers and 5% fanboys trying to do damage control with the remaining 5% complaining about the rampant fanboys. Come on complainers, you're slipping.

The story was only up 4 hours on a Sunday night in the USA(when you posted), wait till after people get to work on Monday to level the ratios out.

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