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Comment Re:I care for stability more (Score 1) 328

Wishing for mod points. +1. I can count almost a half-dozen PC issues I troubleshooted (troubleshot?) over the years that were because of a flaky PSU. I only use top-end PSU's nowadays: PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750 Mark 1 on the media server (recycled from my old game rig), Cooler Master 1200W Silent Pro Gold (powering dual overclocked EVGA GTX 680's, 2 SSD's, 4x 7500 RPM HD's, Intel i5 2500k overclocked 45%, occasional hot-swap drives) on my current rig. More unnecessary crap to be installed shortly...(and I got the PSU on sale for $170 Canadian)

Comment Re:Not that HP was ever very good at Tablets But.. (Score 4, Insightful) 192

Well... I'm actually more surprised that HP refuses to take the lead on ANY consumer-related goods. Or enterprise products/services, for that matter.

Man, I thought for a while that HP might be able to turn it around and get back to its roots of being a kick-ass engineering company, but it's pretty obvious that those days are now gone. I'm pretty sure that even the old engineering fogeys who might have been able to tell the yung'uns about what HP culture was like before have left the ship. At this point, it's just a large computer manufacturing company like Dell and Acer, with some enterprise big iron and consulting thrown in.

Sad to see them go.

All the engineers left when HP split into 2 companies a few years ago. They're still going strong at Agilent: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agilent_Technologies

Comment Re:The easy way (Score 1) 140

I just add files to the folders on the NAS and XBMC finds them, every time. The ATV replaced my PS3 streaming files from PS3 Media Server running on the NAS (the NAS is a Core 2 Duo PC running Ubuntu server). I really like the Apple TV over-all. Have you updated to the latest version of XBMC? Having said all that, XBMC crashes daily on my Apple TV. I've re-flashed it and all that, but I believe the unit is a dud. Once the IOS on the v.3 units have been jail broken, then I'll send it back to Apple for replacement. So many others, including many friends, have units that work just fine so I believe mine is just a random ATV with issues.

Comment Re:Never got the "point" of XBMC (Score 1) 195

1.) Extensible via add-on streams and apps 2.) Navi-X add-on program 3.) Stream just about any TV show or movie over the Internet (with appropriate add-ons) 4.) Run it on a rooted AppleTV (Sure, you can run it on a desktop PC if you want. I do as a test environment and for watching stuff when my wife is using the TV). 5.) Full access to your media files on your network shares with minimal/no fuss It excels as a HTPC environment, which is the whole point of it. This is how it was used on the XBox. Now it can go on many different devices. My AppleTV 2 is the perfect HTPC. Small, unobtrusive, can be controlled via my iPhone, low power... Goodbye Satellite TV.

Comment Re:No meetings are even better (Score 1) 445

I'm on the board of a science-oriented non-profit in Canada. We submit our reports 1 week before the monthly Exec meeting on our forum. At the meeting it's "Any questions or anything to add to xy report?". Then it's new business. Most questions are handled on the forum *when we have time personally to deal with them*. Meetings are to the point and handled within an hour. We also open the Exec meetings to interested members to observe. Now, if I could get my employer to adopt such a model...

Comment Re:iOS now has more marketshare than Android (Score 1) 137

Are you saying that tablets are replacing PC's? That every tablet sold is a PC not purchased? Seriously? for 99.9% of consumer/business use, a tablet is a convenient accessory to a PC. Great for media consumption. Now go ahead and try and do some serious work. Coding? Photo editing? Movie Editing? Writing a long document or complex report? Et al ad nauseum. FWIW, I have a Touchpad, my wife has a shiny new iPad, and I have a custom-built-by-me enthusiast PC and a loaded laptop. The tablet has it's role: convenient web surfing, music, recipe file etc.

Comment Re:Where's the beef? (Score 1) 137

Gee...lets take that logic to the hackneyed metaphor of...the automobile! "Why would anyone want to work on an Aston Martin Coupe when the minivan or the Reliant "K" car is in such wide use?" Get it now? No? Then let me spell it out in small words for ya: "Widely adopted" i.e Windows, OS/X etc does not always equate to the best. See "'reality' TV". Does that help a teensy-weensy bit...?

Comment Re:Ping (Score 1) 245

Blah blah blah. When I game, I game with my closest friends, and we're geographically dispersed (we knew each other before there was an "online"). We have our own private TeamSpeak server and we shoot the shit as if we were around a table playing cards or watching a movie. I also usually have 3 books on the go at any given time (fiction, non-fiction/biography, astronomy/physics), have a wonderful wife, am active in my community, hold down a job, hike every weekend etc. And guess what? Games are FUN! They're not passive, like TV, and you have to coordinate carefully with others and use strategy, reflexes, detailed observation. Your comment verges on "troll" and is mired in elitist ignorance.

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