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Submission + - Computers and LSD

Little Timmy writes: Let's say hypothetically the brain is like a computer and a computer and a brain have all the same features and drawbacks. To a computer, what would be the equivalent of using LSD, and conversely, how can we describe the LSD experience in humans? I think using LSD is like giving yourself root access temporarily but I know people who say it's more like kernel panic. What do other LSD using computer folk say?

Comment Sadism (Score 1) 455

Why would Square Enix allow Chrono Compendium to spend 5 years of development time on a project just to threaten legal action 18 days before release? The only really good explanation is sadism. I really wish that Chrono Compendium didn't omit the name and address of the lawyer(s) responsible for the cease and desist letter, I would have liked to have known these bastards names, perhaps we could have traced back their lineage and gained some crucial insight into what compels people to deliberately and willfully spit on the face of their fellow man. We may have discovered that they were the products of incest, that really would explain a lot. Until the names are uncensored from the cease and desist letter, I'm going to place my money on incest.

Comment Re:About time (Score 5, Funny) 565

we aint even on the same plane here man. Duke Nukem isn't something to trifle with, if you're putting out THE Duke title of all time, you gotta do it right, and if that means scrapping everything multiple times over a span of time larger than a decade, you do it. Some things are more important than time and money, Duke Nukem is one of these things.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to repent all of my sins and start frequenting a church, hopefully when I die, Duke Nukem Forever will be waiting for me on God's Commodore 64.

Comment Re:About time (Score 5, Funny) 565

yeah, well you can go to hell. Thank God Duke Nukem Forever was never released. If they had "competent managers" as you call them, we probably would have had a laughable pile of shit for an FPS released under the title that will forever have soiled Duke's reputation, which I foresee happening under Take-Two.

Comment Re:Bad move... (Score 1) 229

You do realize, the only reason "drug lords make tens of billions of dollars each year" is because cops/politicians allow them to. This drone will not amount to anything, the only reason things like this get invented and covered in the news is so that the old folk sitting at home watching their television sets can think to themselves "we're making progress".

What would happen if we won the war on drugs? Utopian society? Politicians everywhere will have lost one of their most prized possessions and would be running around in circles trying to find the next boogie man.

Comment Re:But does cablevision have retroactive immunity? (Score 1) 375

It's hoards of people such as yourself that allow the higher powers to get away with the things that they do.

Just a tid-bit of advice for you, when you go overboard personally insulting somebody in an argument, like you did, you lose credibility. Try staying objective next time.

Have a nice day.

Comment Re:But does cablevision have retroactive immunity? (Score 1) 375

Really? You've met my concern with systematic violation of privacy with that type of an insult?

I get a pamphlet in the mail daily from Verizon as well as weekly phone calls and biweekly door to door salesman visits. Their service costs more than my existing service AND they've become a puppet of the federal government's "war on terror". They cripple the hardware of their cellphones and have in the past charged my credit card without my consent and have denied it. I have plenty of reasons not to use Verizon's fiber optic network.

On a side note: if my existence is insignificant, why bother?

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