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Comment Re:That's why I work from the basement: silence is (Score 1) 405

The article does go on to list the benefits of music beyond scores on reading comprehension; it's far from damning. If you're normally that relaxed and only rarely feel the need to listen to music, more power to you.

As an aside, that last line sounds terrible. (Unless you actually meant to imply that you're married to your mum, in which case I retract my statement.)

Comment Re:this is complete BS (Score 1) 938

Surprisingly, I agree with this to an extent. Seat belts should absolutely be required, at least when you're talking multiple passengers. If you're not strapped in, you have a much higher likelihood of taking the person next to you out even if they're being responsible. The main revision I'd like to see to DUI legislation is the removal of the asinine rule that drivers under 21 are automatically incapable of driving when any alcohol is in their system (regardless of percentage or circumstance). I'm amazed by tickets for speeds in excess of unrealistic limits and what amount to technicalities on several points. If someone is actually driving dangerously, they should be taken off the road. Cops don't need to look for a cell phone to tell. And really, who cares if you're on the phone while you're at a dead stop on the freeway?

Comment Re:You are at work... (Score 1) 298

I don't see why anyone gives a flying fuck whether you look at lolcats 4 hours a day or work tirelessly from dawn to long as you deliver. It's not about putting in X hours being a total robot, it's about whether you are sufficiently adding value or reducing cost.

Comment Re:How can an ISP sell my info (Score 1) 204

Funny, I'm pretty sure I could figure out who you are (or at least your likely demographic) without even a truly invasive search based on simple information gleaned from monitoring your data usage (to say nothing of the fact that your ISP has plenty of personally identifying information on file with each contract).

Your location, IP address, applications that frequently connect to the net, port usage, browser information, and so on can always be linked back to you. Even if you were wrongly identified, we're talking demographics here so no harm, no foul. No advertiser cares if it's the kid with the $50 electric guitar or the $80 electric guitar. Both kids play cheap electric guitars and would probably be interested in lessons... Or a new guitar...
Or a guitar-heavy new album...

And that's all information that can be stored, transmitted anywhere, sold, subpoenaed at any time. Just the fact that I could mail mortgage/real estate information based on the financial institutions you frequent and the addresses of your most frequent locations, credit offers based on your shopping and financial history, and bogus 3 day, 2 night getaway vouchers every time you look up Vegas should be enough to demonstrate just how easily that information can be mined and resold.

Comment Re:But where (Score 1) 241

Just watch C-SPAN or find a live feed of the Congressional floor. They're all very hard at work, you just can't see any of them.

Yeah, I know. They're REALLY good Ninjas.

The ones I can see don't look hard at work either. Incompetence...or mad ninja skills?

Comment Re:[sigh] (Score 1) 639

Texas, the state with still-horrendous unemployment rates that has Rick Perry strutting around because they added a slew of minimum wage jobs? That Texas?

Texas and California are built on completely different economies. You're comparing apples and sharks with laser beams.

Comment Re:And what? (Score 1) 209

Commercials which, due to the wonders of modern technology, I comfortably bypass. No advertiser actually gains anything from my viewership. I pay for the privilege of watching televised content without commercials; exactly what part of watching the same file on a different device should be considered anything but fair use?

I for one think it insane that anyone would care how I view a show I pay for the privilege of watching.

Comment What, no bailout? (Score 1) 169

Dear U.S. Government,

Why didn't you bail out Sun if you were so very concerned about its future? Lobbying for Oracle to take over Sun was like paying for the meanest, most ruthless fox to guard one of your most useful hens because she was sick. Meanwhile, you gave handouts to every big financial or automotive company that caused horrible problems and whined when they got burned by their own mess.

Get fucked.

Comment Re:Tragic... (Score 1) 469

You do realize that the ever-helpful Democrats are the ones who won't take a stand for these supposed ideals even when they have the majority, and consistently vote for every harebrained Republican idea there is, right?

The halfway decent ideas are the ones that get tied up in legislative hell, while the Democrats themselves have been tied up for years in a know-nothing, do-nothing hypocritical, backasswards loop. At least the Republicans are coming up with promoting ideas and standing behind them. I mean sure, they're bad ideas (stupidity), and they stand behind them even in the face of evidence proving them to be the worst possible course (stupidity/intellectual cowardice), but that's still better stones than a group that doesn't have it in them to either defend some very simple principles through action (cowardice) or admit to having no allegiance to those principles (stupidity/intellectual cowardice).

In conclusion, Democrats are largely the color of yellow, Republicans are largely the color of stupid, and they largely add up to a bunch of stupid cowards. Why anyone takes their rhetoric at face value is beyond me.

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