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Comment In fact, you want them to steal your server (Score 2) 508

My server is a very nice case mod with transparent panels and blue glowing lights that sits on a shelf next to my flat screen TV. It's so cool. It screams steal me! On top of it I leave several DVDs of porn each in their own DVD jewel box wrapper with all the porn photos on them.

Of course, there are three other IP cameras pointed at this wonderfully blue glowing empty box too, each camera with motion detection and set to email pictures to my gmail account and ftp video to an external host.

Comment Used the unique address I gave to the NY Times (Score 5, Informative) 103

I got the email too, and it used the unique email address I gave to the NY Times, so either they were breached or some company they gave my data to was breached.

Joe Katz on twitter says the same thing:

"Joe Katz @joekatz 1h
@NYTPRGUY thing is, I got a "subscription cancelled" message sent to an email alias that only @NYTimes has for me. Was your list hacked?"

So remember folks when you outsource your IT and marketing and provide them your customer data, you are opening your customers up to their low security practices.

Comment Ask the CIO: will we be opensourcing our software? (Score 1) 666

I've been on many projects that opted for Centos over Red Hat, and some in which the CIOs demanded Red Hat over Centos. All on various perceptions of what free means and what paid for means. Sort of a Rorschach test.

If you feel strongly about this, you might ask the CIO if you folks will be open sourcing the software you write, and if not, why not.

Comment LCD Monitors bad. ASR-33 the best web development (Score 5, Funny) 1002

You use an LCD Screen! Poofta!

I develop HTML5 based robotic heart surgery machines running on top of jQuery beneath AJAX served by node.js off of an Amazon mounted Rackspace Cloud written in Clojure, and I've had it with LCD Screens, CRTs, and so-called editors.

On even days I punch my code into an ASR-33, and on odd days, I just toggle the code directly into the main memory. And on transcendental days, I use very fine magnets and rearrange the domains on the hard drive.

So don't you get all hoity toity to me about your ability to code with only one screen! You're a bloody wanker is what you are!


Submission + - Apture captures each of your selections

jerryasher writes: Like Tynt Insight, Apture is another VC funded, browser breaking, privacy intrusion that captures each of your selections and sends it to their servers. And again, no opt out is possible.

It is currently in use at "select blogs" at the New York Times (and many other sites), and the Times says: "Apture allows readers to dig deeper into a subject without ever leaving the page. In a blog post like this, when you see a hyperlink with a small icon next to it, click on that link. You’ll instantly see related videos, maps, documents, photos, New York Times topic pages and other content, all while staying on the same page." In introducing Apture, The Times fails to mention how each and everyone one of your selections is then sent to, or how to just say no and opt out. You can see it at Dot Earth. Just make a selection, or doubleclick a word, and watch the roundtrip in the status bar.

There are two issues: One is breaking the browser which I think is ugly and disrespectful but I think the New York Times has the power and right to do that. Two is sending each of my selections off to a third company, which I think is an invasion of privacy that should require disclosure and opt-out. Adblock, NoScript, and Ghostery should kill Apture's scripts dead for slashdotters using Firefox, but what about Chrome/Safari/IE users and the rest of the world?

Comment Re:Kind of One Sided Review of the Service (Score 1) 495


I always attribute what I copy and paste. Frequently I copy more than one section out of an article separating each section within the quote with ellipses. What tynt does is add the URL to each and every copy/paste meaning I need to go back and find their little turds and delete them. Annoying. I'll do it myself thanks, and I do.

Adding that attribution doesn't mean the user will keep it there. So the site owner does little to nothing to help ensure his URL is attributed correctly by forcing tynt on us. But the site owner does annoy the good guys by doing that.

You don't need a server side round trip along with full text and IP address to add a URL to a block of text. Wired, if they were wired and not tired, could write that piece of javascript themselves, instead of opting all of their customers into tynt and privacy invasion.


Submission + - Tynt Insight is watching you cut and paste ( 1

jerryasher writes: In recent weeks I've noticed that when I copy and paste text from Wired and other websites, the pasted text has had the url of the original website appended to it. Cool, and utterly annoying, and how do I make that stop? Tynt Insight is a piece of Javascript that sends what you copy to Tynt's webservers and adds the backlinks. Tynt calls that a service for the site owner, many people call that a privacy invasion..

Worse, there are some reports that it sends not just what you copy, but everything you select..

And Tynt provides no opt outs. Not cookie based, not IP based, but stop it you creeps angry phone call based.

It ain't a pure useful service, and it ain't a pure privacy invasion. But I sure wish they'd go away and have had the decency to never start up in the first place. I block it on Firefox with Ghostery.


Surgeon Makes Tutorial DVD For Conscious Open-Heart Surgery 170

Lanxon writes "Swaroup Anand, 23, from Bangalore, was fully conscious as he underwent open-heart surgery. An epidural to the neck, administered at the city’s Wockhardt Hospital, numbed his body during the procedure. Dr Vivek Jawali pioneered the technique ten years ago and has recently released a tutorial on DVD, which gives a step-by-step guide to the procedure for other surgeons to watch and learn from."

Comment Wired: Decision on iPhone DMCA exception is near (Score 1) 445

overlooked and lurking behind this gadget envy is an important regulatory decision -- one expected in weeks on whether to authorize an iPhone jailbreak.

Apple said sanctioning an iPhone operating system hack would gut its business model. That plan has given way to more than 2 billion app downloads, in addition to an expected and much-rumored iPhone-like tablet.

"This would severely limit our ability to continue what we are doing as well as innovate for the future," Greg Joswiak, an Apple marketing czar, recently told regulators considering the jailbreaking proposal before the U.S. Copyright Office.

At stake for Apple is the very closed business model the Cupertino, California-based electronics concern has enjoyed since 2007, when the iPhone debuted.

The proposal, brought by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, would pave the way for third-party apps on the iPhone -- hence turning the iPhone into a blank slate to run whatever its owner wishes. That would be a huge financial blow, as Apple earns 30 percent for every App sold from its proprietary iTunes store, Joswiak said.

The proposed hack is part of the exemption process under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. Every three years, the Librarian of Congress and the U.S. Copyright Office entertain proposals for exemptions to copyright law.

Comment What's the value of an unlocked US cellphone? (Score 4, Informative) 185

Is there something I don't understand? I don't think unlocking a US cellphone has any additional value than an unlocked US cellphone. The phone's most value is on its original network and it's almost worthless on any other network.

All GSM is not equal. Unlock a T-Mobile cellphone and move it to AT&T and you get a degraded EDGE speed. And I assume that's true in reverse. An unlocked AT&T cellphone presumably has poor speed on T-Mobiles network.

All CDMA is not equal. A Verizon phone cannot necessarily be switched to Sprint -- my experience is that Sprint has to support that phone explicitly in its own network, including a possible new firmware load. And presumably vice versa.

And of course a GSM phone cannot be activated on a CDMA network or vice-versa.

So even if you can unlock your phone, there doesn't seem to be ANY interoperability with respect to carriers. Your unlocked phone has the most value on the network it came from, and almost no value on any other network.

So what's the point of unlocking it?

Please feel free to correct me and point out all the things I don't understand about cellphones. Cause I don't get it, and I assume it's due to my ignorance.


The Math of a Fly's Eye May Prove Useful 90

cunniff writes "Wired Magazine points us to recent research that demonstrates an algorithm derived from the actual biological implementation of fly vision (PLoS paper here). Quoting the paper: 'Here we present a model with multiple levels of non-linear dynamic adaptive components based directly on the known or suspected responses of neurons within the visual motion pathway of the fly brain. By testing the model under realistic high-dynamic range conditions we show that the addition of these elements makes the motion detection model robust across a large variety of images, velocities and accelerations.' The researchers claim that 'The implementation of this new algorithm could provide a very useful and robust velocity estimator for artificial navigation systems.' Additionally, the paper describes the algorithm as extremely simple, capable of being implemented on very small and power-efficient processors. Best of all, the entire paper is public and hosted via a service that allows authenticated users to give feedback."

Comment No "truly" mandatory vaccines since WW I (Score 1) 541

From Penn's Center for Bioethics:

Today, the term "mandate" is imprecise when applied to immunization. The last time the U.S. required vaccination without exception--a true mandate--was during World War I.1 Today, processes in place in the vast majority of states provide parents with significant latitude regarding whether to vaccinate their children.

Mandatory vaccination programs should be reserved for the most severe of disease outbreaks, and only after the designated State or Federal official has declared a state of emergency.

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