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Comment Both were correct at the time of posting. (Score 4, Informative) 186

The old slashdot post about Ko San was correct at the time - Ko San was chosen over Yi So-Yeon to be the first South Korean astronaut and was still going at the time the first article on slashdot was posted. However, Ko San was accused of violating their security protocols and revealing secret information twice while training at the cosmonaut training center. This caused him to lose his spot on the Soyuz and Yi So-Yeon went up instead. Ko San left the astronaut program years ago, leaving Yi So-Yeon as the sole remaining trained astronaut.
Ko San Bio, he is an interesting dude.

Comment 5mbytes every 3seconds is only 13.333 mbits/s. (Score 4, Informative) 121

we're on a business class 100mb cable connection
100mbps = 12mbyte/s (give up 15-20% for the packet overhead, 10megabytes/sec).

Distilling that summary into the data that mattered:
1.5mb image, 3mb file each under 5 megs.
images every 3-5 seconds

The files are 5megabytes total.
In a perfect world, they'd transfer in 0.5 seconds.

Leaving 2.5 - 4.5 seconds for the porn.

Let's assume they are the bigger size, 5megabytes, and they transfer in the more frequent number, every 3 seconds.
5MBytes/3s = 1.66667 Mbytes/s = 13.33333 mbits/s.

Why is a facility with a 100mb/s line incapable of handling this?
How did a problem where a 100mb/s line can't handle 13.3333mb/s come to a conclusion of "Fix it with the cloud?"

In any case, if you want to do a cloud setup, just about all of them will handle small 13.3mb/s constant rates and you'll pay for it more than if you figured out why your line isn't keeping up.

Comment Fixed in openx 2.8.11 (Score 1) 43

It is fixed in 2.8.11 has openx's response.

Quick check on your servers by going to the openx base directory and doing an md5:
md5sum \
    plugins/deliveryLog/vastServeVideoPlayer/flowplayer/3.1.1/flowplayer-3.1.1.min.js \
    plugins/deliveryLog/vastServeVideoPlayer/ \

These md5's match the problem files:
558c80e601fb996e5f6bbc99a9ee0051 plugins/deliveryLog/vastServeVideoPlayer/flowplayer/3.1.1/flowplayer-3.1.1.min.js
fa4991d5fd3bf4a947b6ab0b15ce10b2 plugins/deliveryLog/vastServeVideoPlayer/
5014c31b479094c0b32221ae1f1473ac lib/max/Delivery/common.php

flowplayer-3.1.1.min.js is the important one.
It has

obfuscated in it.

The flowerplayer-3.1.1min.js file shouldn't have changed since 2.8.9. So if you have an older version, you can just drop that into place over top of the one you currently have (just make sure it doesn't have the php tag in it). My unexploited copy from the last version was dated 7-17-2012 and has the following md5
8570c9bbdd01bef2c812270e68a306b5 flowplayer-3.1.1.min.js

The update is here or if you log in to your openx administrator panel, it should show by switching to the 'Administrator' in the upper right dropdown, going to 'configuration' and to the 'product updates' section in the left hand bar.

Finding out if someone actually used it on your server would require grepping through your logs for a post to fc.php and flow player-3.1.1.min.js. (I didn't see any requests for it on my servers, so I'm guessing there's not an automated scanner for it yet).

Comment Mauna Loa info... (Score 1) 497

The summary seemed to lead in a specific direction - the 'for comparison' referring to 800k years isn't based on info from other types of measurements, pre-1958 at that site.

Interesting bits from the Mauna Loa wiki
- It's a volcano
- It's been erupting for at least 700k years
- It may have emerged above sea level 400k years ago
- Oldest dated rocks are less than 200k years old
- It's drifting away from the hotspot and will go extinct in the next 500k=1m years
- It erupted last from Mar-Apr of 1984
- Atmosphere observations come from two observatories near the summit
- From its location well above local human-generated influences, the MLO monitors the global atmosphere, including the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Measurements are adjusted to account for local outgassing of CO2 from the volcano

I looked it up because my kneejerk was "But it's on top of a volcano..." and I can't help but be skeptic when there's big leaps in causation in summaries...

Comment Personal experience with them - they are legit (Score 2) 173

Not disagreeing that the video was pretty bad - I can't say I'd do any better if asked to do an interview off the cuff. Definitely not a well planned advertisement if that's what it was supposed to be.

I've had customers that have used these guys with about a 50/50 success rate at getting 100% data back. The times they couldn't get the data were due to head crashes that had scrapped the platters clean.

It never seems to fail, customer declares they absolutely don't need backups for their workstations, they only need it for their servers and that their users will always remember to put the data on the server. Except they don't . . . and there ends up being something business critical on Joe User's laptop that they just dropped/spilled on/etc.

The way Flashback works is they'll do an eval on the drive (which they used to charge a couple hundred bucks to just do the eval, but they've gotten cheaper on the more common drive types) - after they get you the list of files that they can get back, they'll quote you what it takes to recover the data and you can choose whether to move forward. If they can't get anything, they let you know and you aren't out thousands of bucks with nothing to show for it.

As much as we try to avoid the situation where an individual drive matters when it comes to data, the human part of business seems to generate conditions that causes these guys to be needed. I rarely have had to take anything to these guys, but overall I've been happy with the turn around, the pricing is reasonable compared to the national-mailin type chains and they don't sell you on things that are impossible. Usually I end up just bringing them a boxxed drive to dump the data on if they can get it, but they've been flexible at getting the important files up on a site that we can ftp it if the customer desperately wanted it.

(and that's probably a better slashvertisement than what ended up coming across in the video - there was still some good info in it about how the ssd recovery differs from platter based if you can sit through the eye twitching and 'ums'). In any case - they haven't come across as the usual scum/basement recovery operations.

Comment Re:I wish I could view the world EJ's way... (Score 4, Insightful) 179

Ooh, good catch. (I'm the A/C above, didn't notice I wasn't logged in). I have to wonder what type of info they may have posted to the logged in user at the time when they made the listings. Probably very little based on what you found. I think most of us agree she appears to have approached the whole thing without enough common sense.

I just ran across this usatoday article which had some more info (apparently the 19 year old isn't in SF PD custody anymore...).

EJ claims she hasn't gotten squat from airbnb still, airbnb is saying they have offered all sortsa compensation. Seems like an easy enough thing to verify; I don't get how it's still a he-says-she-says routine.

What was interesting in the article was this bit from airbnb:
Airbnb, while pointing out that the incident was the first of its kind out of some 2 million stays booked since the company's founding in 2008, announced that it would be doubling the size of its customer service staff (42 people at the time of the incident and 88 currently), offering insurance to hosts and creating a "Trust and Safety" department, among other measures.

That seems to imply that they do not currently offer insurance. How naive of them to not consider it necessary in the last 3 years. One of their similar competitors,, also doesn't provide any type of insurance.

Also from that article:
She said was "growing a very thick skin" because of accusations that she was part of a plot by the hotel industry to discredit Airbnb, and because of criticism that she courted disaster by opening her rented apartment to strangers.
That's just harsh. I couldn't find who was supposedly making those accusations, but if it's more than the cynical /. user, that just isn't right.

Here's hoping she at least gets her backup drive back.

Rose lensed glasses for everyone!

Comment Re:How do they hold up in a strip club? (Score 1) 444

According to this wiki they are more durable, harder to tear, more resistant to folding, more resistant to soil, waterproof (and washing machine proof), easier to machine process, and are shreddable and recyclable at the end of their useful lives. (bold emphasis mine). From the other links I've found, they hold up poorly in the dryer on high heat. On the plus side, it sounds as if they can be sanitized in the dishwasher . . .

Comment How do they hold up in a dryer? (Score 1) 444

Even though they've been around for years in Australia, this is the first I've heard of polymer notes. I tried looking through the Canadian info sites where they pumped how good it was for the environment, recyclable, holds up longer, yadda yadda . . . I missed where it showed how the notes held up against routine extremes (most notably for me, the clothes dryer . . .)

As someone who has 1 in 5 dollars that are downey-fresh, how do they hold to the cotton dry cycle?

Comment 50% basics + 50% question and answer (Score 1) 467

As others have said 'teaching computer labs' is a bit ambiguous. The fact that you are talking about a 100 series class, I'm assuming means something more along the lines of 'how do I work in this linux based computer lab', not 'how do I learn everything there is to know about linux'.

Though the majority of the people here are flabbergasted that those in a CS class haven't touched linux already, it is a different time. Keep in mind, those same people haven't touched VMS . . or punchcards. A brief history of linux and why it is useful couldn't hurt. Some key notes like the number of systems that use it for web based systems can bolster the view that it isn't just some basement nerds hobby OS. Brief = Brief, keep it 5-10 mins to keep eyeglaze from setting in. Some of the students are there for the joy of learning, some are there just for the degree so that they can make money. A few stats on how linux = money for them personally would be good, avarice is a motivator.

In your shoes, I think I'd cover the basics you'd need to know in any OS first. "How do I copy a file?", "How do I move a file?", "Can I get that deleted file back?". Moving up to how do I use the editors (both GUI and CLI). Knowing vi is great and all, but it can be a big mouthful the first time you look at it. Keep it simple. Most importantly, teach them how to find the answer to their questions when you aren't there. Linux has been around long enough that there are often a dozen ways to accomplish the same thing and some of the advice out there is outdated or just convoluted. Having some prepared cheat sheets for them would probably be good.

Once you've had time to cover the basics, spend time doing question and answer. You don't necessarily know how much exposure these people have had to Linux. They will have had experience with windows or mac os (and hopefully you have too). Let them ask 'How do I do X in linux that I know how to do in -myOS-'. This is of course dependent in how expert you are with those OS's. If your answers end up being "Its much easier in linux, all you do is X" you are going to win converts. If you can't give an easy answer, don't try while standing in front of them and fudgin your way through it; note it down and get back to them tomorrow. If you've ever watched someone try to figure out an answer in front of you, you can get misdirected by the different places the knowledgable user checks to get to the end goal. Many freshman enter university with a laptop, have them bring it with them. Often they can show you what they want to do quicker than explain it.

Cover the things they care about. If they don't know pidgin, show it to them (and how to remove it since these are shared machines). Here's your facebook page (I know, I'm ill suggesting it too), here's a feature rich office app to try out, and anything else the kids on my lawn care about.

Finally, show them how to interact with linux systems using their OS of choice. Just because you run windows doesn't mean you can't be a linux fiend. If they can get on servers remotely via SSH, show them how so they can keep poking at their own pace.

I wouldn't encourage them to install linux on their personal systems if they aren't familiar with it; they'll end up frustrated when they don't know how to accomplish a task and can't figure it out before the next time they get in to ask you. The minute they reinstall back to Windows/osX, you've likely lost them.

I'm a bit confused why a sophomore is teaching those 1 year behind... The professor is surely paid enough...

Comment My 2010 spam graph, ~15k users, ~1k domains (Score 2) 55

I hadn't looked at one of the bigger mail setups I manage and was surprised to see it wasn't all fluff.

Spam levels are about 1/6th of this time last year
(The 'rejected' are mostly sqlgrey bounces which kills most the spam. The extra grey on the tips is the spam getting through to the actual scanners which looks about the same).

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