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Comment Re:How Will the Electrical Power Grid be Upgraded? (Score 1) 294

There’s a reason why the issue of people removing other people’s laundry from the washer or dryer is a common trope in fiction set in apartments that share washers and dryers.

This was literally my first thought. People lose their shit over finished laundry sitting idle in a dryer for a half hour. How civil are they going to be about sharing something that controls their ability to get to work and make money?

Comment Re:Lose nuance with Closed Captioning (Score 1) 440

I watch with CC on because it keeps me from missing anything in the dialogue (I've got ex bar musician's ears, unfortunately). For the most part I'm very pleased with it. The one shortcoming I find with it is that often times I'm denied the pleasure of a well-timed joke or delivery. By the time they say it, I've already read it. But a small price to pay for not having to have the TV blaring.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 1014

And as someone with allergies (celiac), it's 100x easier for me to click 'no bun' than to have the conversation where the 17 year old stops everything and says with a dumbass smirk 'Wait, you don't want a bun? So, just, like, the meat?', and then gets a manager who shows them where to click 'no bun.'

Comment Re:I guess we'll see (Score 2) 1014

Sam's club in the US has it, but you do it from your phone. You scan the items as you put them in your cart, and hit the 'checkout' button when you want to pay (using a credit card you've already entered into the app). On your way out the door someone scans a barcode on your phone and does a quick verification that what's in your cart matches what's on the receipt. Very slick system, and you get 3% cash back or something like that for using it.

Comment Go in the morning! (Score 1) 370

I still like the theater on one condition: I go to morning showings. I took a few hours off work and went to Episode VII the day after it was released at a 9:30 a.m. showing. It was me and about four other people in the theater. The evening and afternoon shows were sold out for at least a week solid. (No, I'm not interested in debating the merits of Episode VII. It was one of the rare films I just wanted to see right away.)

Eliminating the crowds eliminates 90% of the nuisances. And it's nice giving a film your full attention now and then, even if I only do it a few times a year.

Comment Re:Should Work The Opposite Way (Score 1) 82

You can get a decent pair of them for $30 or so. I have a pair that I wear at the shooting range. They are outstanding. The only downside is that if it's a windy day it can get pretty annoying with the wind noise in your ears. (more expensive pairs probably have solved this, but I'm cheap.)

Comment Re:Driverless cars - questions (Score 1) 112

Very good questions. Likely answers below:

Yes, but you'll probably get some sort of ticket for doing it if you get caught.
Yes, but you'll probably get some sort of ticket for doing it if you get caught.
Yes, but you'll probably get some sort of ticket for doing it if you get caught.
Yes, but you'll probably get some sort of ticket for doing it if you get caught.

Eventually as the cars get proven I would guess that regulations will loosen up, however right away I'm sure we'll be expected to keep fully alert while 'not-driving'. I predict that it will be 'all the responsibility, twice the boredom' of normal driving initially.

Comment Re:Action movies are boring. (Score 1) 332

You are exactly right. And in addition to that, the stakes are so fricking high in every movie that everything becomes meaningless. If they're not working to save the entire earth, they are working to save the universe.

I remember watching that 'Captain Phillips' movie with Tom Hanks and thinking 'Wow, that was pretty intense,' and then thinking 'Wow, that was all about saving one dude. What a concept.'

Comment Re:Chicago Blackhawks too? (Score 1) 646

The Sioux debate has gone on for decades. The NCAA declared it derogatory around 5 or 6 years ago. After much fuss and many lawsuits, the 'Sioux' name was officially retired two or three years ago. UND is currently without a mascot.

As I noted, my timeline is approximate at best... but you get the idea.

Comment More actually... (Score 4, Interesting) 270

10 years ago my son was two. All diapers and chasing kids around... no time for anything. When he was about six I showed up with a PS2 and a copy of lego star wars 'for the family'. Not to mention an undisclosed Star Wars Battlefront game for me (though he and I were playing two player on it before long. I told my wife 'they guys in the white are robots, so it's OK. He's not shooting people' ).

Now he's got an xbox and I play it when he's gone or in bed. I grab a used game for $10 every now and then and get obsessed with it for awhile. I find it's a good way to unwind without killing brain/liver cells.

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