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Comment IP is retarded (Score 1) 399

Now do you see why intellectual property is retarded? This is the danger of owning ideas. Now not even Google can't create a free codec without paying tribute to the H.264 overlords.

Large corporation patents everything under the sun = I can't even think without violating some patent.

Treating abstractions the same way as physical property is not good idea. Oh yes.... it promotes innovation and the arts etc. etc. Well, seriously, you can keep your innovation; it's not worth it.

IP = theft: Stolen from me are the the ideas that I might use, on account that someone else thought of them first.


Comment Re:Club Of Rome Fascism (Score 0, Offtopic) 599

I totally agree; get rid of welfare! The government is always using the "reduce cost of welfare" argument as justification for governing how you take care of yourself: tax cigarettes to reduce health costs, etc.

Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. Give the government responsibility over a facet of society and they get your freedom for free.

Same goes for education and health care. Get the government out of it and let the free market operate; and that doesn't mean crippling it by creating regulations which distort markets and locks out competition to established industries, and then blaming lack of regulation/government control as the problem.

Comment Re:Scroogle (Score 1) 281

The fact is, that it costs ~$0 to reproduce a song. So it's intrinsic value is roughly ZERO! I work for an hour to earn the cost of a CD, then go to record company and say I want album X. Record company preses a button and ZAP, a fresh copy of album X. That'll be $30, please come again. So what exactly am I paying for? Charging money for abstractions makes no sense, economically. The reason people don't want to pay for copies, and don't feel bad about "stealing" them, is because they're actually not worth anything.

Comment Re:Thats cheating (Score 4, Insightful) 246

The universe is a pattern of vibrations/energy. Physical laws are just representations or patterns we observe that behave in a consistent way, which we have codified in some sort of language (usually maths). There are no "real" laws of physics, just abstract representations of observable phenomena. Some do a better job of representation than others.

Nature doesn't "use" pi or e to do calculations. These symbols are just part of our codification of consistent patterns which we have abstracted and aren't real outside our heads. Nothing "calculates" the physical world, rather, we calculate how parts of it will behave. In other words physics and maths MIMIC the universe; the universe is certainly NOT based on maths or physics. What will calculate the calculator. Don't confuse abstractions with reality.

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 2, Insightful) 222

No, he means TV is ACTUALLY dead. In 10 years time the internet will have killed it. How can this old broadcast medium compete with the vast, on demand and free (beer and freedom) network that is the internet. Lots of people are just hooking up large LCD screens to their home server full of torrented media. This is just the beginning. Studies have shown (citation needed) that young people are already watching less television than previous generations, reversing a long established trend to the contrary. Internet killed the Television star.

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 222

True, there won't be any tv shows to pirate. With no financial incentive to produce copyright works they will cease to be. No copyright = no piracy. Furthermore, there won't be a TV to show them on. There will be, however, a rich internet culture of alternative media to replace the profit-inspired corporate crap we have now.

Comment Re:Another pro-piracy article on Slashdot (Score 1) 193

The thing is, the GPL relies on copyright to exist

Actually, GPL exists only as a counter to copyright. If there was no copyright, then GPL would not be necessary. This is circular reasoning.

Furthermore, copyright infringement is only "theft" if you believe in ownership/monopoly of ideas. So what we have here is really an ideological debate. It seems you have the establishments dick in you're mouth or you're just on a moral high horse because you pay for music like a good corporate slave or perhaps you're a poor struggling artist who just can't make a break peddling his imaginary wares. So perhaps slashdot is not the place for you.

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