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Comment Sit on the ground. (Score 1) 405

I've recently shifted my desk down so that I can sit on the floor and do work, game, and lounge. I've found that it has several benefits. I can stretch my legs. I can shift positions: squat, sit, kneel, as well as many variations between those positions. I have a back support that I can lean on that's designed to be used on the ground.

I suffer from scoliosis, and I decided that this is a better option than sitting in the exact same position all day, every day; which will lead to faster disc degeneration for me. I want to change my position and maintain flexibility instead of slouching in a chair. We evolved sitting on the earth. Chairs have very recently been introduced to our lifestyles, and I believe that they have negative side effects that haven't been scrutinized enough.

Sitting on the ground would also eliminate the cost of chairs, however custom desks would need to be made. But I don't think it would be that hard to make those.

Comment Re:Tell that to Buddhist Monks! (Score 0) 341

They're not sitting in office chairs while they do it. Their muscles are engaged in their posture, as opposed to slouching (like what I'm doing right now).

I've been considering taking my desk to a table saw and removing about two feet from its base. This way I would be sitting on the floor instead of my office chair. I think that this would be more healthy because it is more natural, allowing me to squat, sit, lie on my side, and kneel; as opposed to the limited options I have in my office chair.

Think about it. Humans didn't evolve into office chairs. Our resting position has always been on the ground until recently.

Comment Re:False (Score 1) 366

I use an HTC EVO that I bought outright, along with PagePlus for service. Pageplus is an MVNO that uses Verizon's network. It's considerably cheaper, as I spent $450 on the evo, and $30/mo for 1200txt+1200min+50mb.

I use wireless networks for web access (I'm pretty much always either at school, work, or home), and when I'm in a pinch, the 50mb is there when I really need it.

Comment Not Just Desktops (Score 2, Interesting) 484

They've been selling faulty laptops as well.

Granted, the issue with several of their laptop models lies with the Nvidia GPU die packaging; Dell still refuses to extend extend warranties on some of the laptops that suffer from this issue.

For example, the XPS M1210 has this exact problem, and suffers from the die package over heading even more than other models because it's the smallest form factor (which means it's harder to keep cool).

I had a personal vendetta with Dell a few years ago because they refused to provide warranty extensions for the M1210. I had spent ~30+ hours on the phone, being handed off to one customer service department after the other like a game of hot potato.

Eventually I found somebody online who managed to somehow get the right tech support at the right time, and had their mobo replaced under warranty extension. I used his case # as a reference, and Dell finally gave in.

I then made a post here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/dell-xps-studio-xps/361004-how-get-your-dead-xps-m1210-fixed.html#post4611553 [notebookreview.com]

This is a listing of M1210's that have been fixed under warranty, and their case numbers. So if anybody here has this problem, reference these numbers and Dell will honor their fuck up.

Comment Re:reasons this may not catch on in the US (Score 1) 533

No, this is not the concept I'm referring to. There is no such thing as a 4-way yield intersection. Yield means that you have to merge with traffic that has right of way.

There are only two circumstances I can think of when people need to come to a complete stop at a stop sign. 1)while waiting for your turn. If the intersection is congested, then yes, people need to stop and take turns. 2) If you cannot adequately anticipate oncomming traffic without halting.

If there are only two cars across from each other in a 4-way-stop, and they both want to go straight, then what is the point of coming to a full stop? They will both go by without hinderance. Yes, they need to slow down to a crawl like I said earlier, so they can react to anything unexpected.

Do you guys really come to a full stop when it's clear that there's nobody around?

Comment Re:reasons this may not catch on in the US (Score 1) 533

But stop signs are an inefficient method of traffic control when taken literally. I take stop signs to mean slow to a crawl, and take turns passing. Be aware of who is around you, and cooperate to get by. Don't speed off. Be predictable.

It's more complicated than 'come to a full and complete halt'. I think that 'stop' was just the easiest word to describe the task.

Try getting on a bike and going for a ride. You'll get a new respect for momentum once you're providing it and not just pressing a gas pedal.

Comment Re:physics FAIL (Score 1) 572

I work as a rainfall hydrologist. One of the cooler facts that I've learned in my career is that even large parking lots have been shown to cause convective thunderstorms. It would be incredible to see one of these things pumping water and heat into the atmosphere. These things would literally be storm engines - pouring thunderheads into the east!

Comment Re:CU Boulder (Score 1) 431

Maybe 40 years ago. Boulder hippies are a dying breed. The county has recently become "californicated" by girls with too-big sunglasses and ugs, and straight-brimmed hat snowboard thugs. If you're looking for the hippies, Bozeman MT is supposed to be closer to what Boulder was 40 years ago.

Comment Re:Understanding (Score 1) 318

This is true. But it also begs the question: If individual Nations should not be entitled to stake claim on celestial bodies, by what right do they claim Earth and its regions? This planet is also a celestial body after all. Perhaps things started going downhill once humans started believing that they 'owned' anything.

Comment Dawn of War (Score 1) 1120

This series needs a reboot. The original was a groundbreaking and massively fun RTS that gave us a glimpse of what the genre held for the future. Then Relic released a series of increasingly lackluster expansions, and finally the atrocity of Dawn of War 2.

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