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Comment Re:Unpatriotic? (Score 2) 150

Queue the Palin.

I saw this a few days ago. Is this a meme? Pedantically speaking, Palin is is a queue of one (at least!) wherever she is. Cue the responses. Might be time for Grammar Nazis and pendants to be hunted down like Apple and Google. Is there any room left in the Assange bunker?

Comment Re:Plug a barrel with 10,000 holes? (Score 1) 250

Maybe I just don't understand the issue enough, but wouldn't a separate Government/Military/infrastructure internet be more viable and easier to implement on existing systems thus costing less? And if you really needed access to the public internet, you could control the points of entry and monitor them much easier and more effectively.

Are you being sarcastic? In any case, you've admirably and succinctly described the DoD's SIPRNet which is precisely a separate, government controlled Internet for classified information. There's also the NIPRNet, from which the public Internet is accessible.

Comment Re:one step closer to drive thru degrees (Score 1) 371

Well, I am a math professor (although at a much lowlier school than Harvard) and I've never had a great opinion of in-class testing. The simple fact is that in the short duration of an in-class test you can't give the students substantive problems to work on. Thus, in-class tests (or any other short-duration timed test) is really an exercise in "how quickly can you work lots of relatively shallow problems..."

I had a math professor last quarter who had a poor opinion of in-class testing for exactly the reasons you mentioned, and who assigned problems which I felt were pretty difficult. I understand if you want to keep your anonymity, but you weren't by any chance my Topology professor this summer, were you?

Comment Re:Republican (Score 1) 574

Here's just a sample of their positions...

I hate theocratic regimes (and Democratic presidents who kick puppies) just as much as the next person, but the problem with your "sample" is the same problem that comes with any online poll.

The problem, namely, is what is called study heterogeneity, or more colloquially, "your source sucks."

Comment Re:Silly, Infantile Discussion (Score 1) 870

Since the beginning of time: * Look, nuclear technology! Now I can radiate cancer and use PET scans. * Look, nuclear technology! Now I can blow cities up...

I believe the first practical use of nuclear technology was, in fact, blowing a city up. And (somewhat pedantically) trigonometry was used for navigation far before it was used to build or destroy bridges.

Comment Re:You mean like Ireland's blasphemy laws? (Score 2, Insightful) 187

The article from which it looks like you drew your facts is here. Also quoted therein:

"Atheists are now eligible to run for any office in South Carolina, which means the provision against atheists is unenforceable."

The only defense I can offer for over a third of the South Carolina legislature voting not to overturn their anti-miscegenation laws is that, since the legislation was elected democratically, perhaps the constituents of South Carolina have exactly the kind of government they deserve.

Comment Re:Corrupt Republicans hate freedom/truth (Score 5, Insightful) 316

These politicians are liberal and that is where the corruption abounds. (They are also known as RINOs).

I don't disagree that corruption is party-agnostic, but I take umbrage to terms like Republicrat or RINO that marginalise the centre right and left. They promote a "with us or against us" mentality that was famous with the United States' last president.

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