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Comment Re:Atlas Shrugged (Score 1) 346

Calling a Texas oilman a Yankee [anything] is mildly offensive. The north and the south of the US still dont play nice, the stereotype of the stuck up autocratic Yankee and the dimwitted racist southerner is alive and well and sadly theres enough people on both sides that fulfill the stereotype to keep it that way for a long time.

Comment Re:Thoughts? (Score 1) 412

by slashdot standards i too could have a 4 (or possibly3) digit UID. and wot that i've left my 20's ifee pretty damn old. no, not taking geritol yet, but i certainly cant live like i used to.

Comment Re:The writing was idiotic (Spoilers?) (Score 1) 412

i bet you rip on star wars for use of some mystical energy field controlling your destiny and glowing swords that somehow make photons stop dead after about a meter. do you also feel star treks ability to solve any problem with the main deflector dish troublesome? and that pesky holodeck too.

the neat thing about science fiction is that ITS FICTION. its based on science (which comes first) but in the end, you guessed it, its fiction.

Comment Re:I loved the original, but.. (Score 1) 412

though not explained in any way in the movie i think perhaps the ISOs ability may be why he has green beans and such. perhaps they can create organic things in a digital world and vice versa. wouldnt that be pretty badass, chick can make a light bike or a laser tank out of thin air? hence the cure cancer change government, religion etc etc.

at least thats how my mind fills in the details.

when did we all lose our imagination so badly that our only option for plot gaps is to criticize, rather than using the clay of our minds to smooth out the rough edges? such a jaded and bitter people we humans have become.

Comment Re:Spirit of the original? (Score 1) 412

actually i think its quite fitting to have the curves and whatnot. i mean Tron was just a representation of the state of the art at the time... there was no ray tracing, no vector based lighting no bump mapping, hell Mandelbrot sets only started making their way into computer graphics in 1981 and Tron was released in '82. in the same way, this Tron:legacy represents the cutting edge of what is available. Disney/Pixar is the tip of the spear when it comes to digitalization in movies. they give ILM a run for tis money. not to mention that even for the purpose of the story technology is so many light years from where it was in 1981. My Phone could likely have done all the "CG" work in the original Tron. we have the internet, now and things are measured in Gigabytes and Terabytes and even substantially larger orders of magnitude. the creation of a virtual world that is curvaceous and complex is almost necessary to the storyline. how could you justify the sheer number of FLOPS at your fingertips not representing a fundamental shift in the way the grid looks and feels?

Comment Re:Daft Punk (Score 1) 412

i was surprised to see people pooping on the soundtrack, personally i think its an amazing testament to their versatility. i hear everyone crying for more "Better, Faster, Harder, Stronger" but the movie wasnt wall-to-wall action, any movie has an ebb and flow and an arc of a storyline, i think the key for them was to tone it down enough so that the music wasnt a distraction from the dialog which oftentimes overlaps. If you look at it as a Soundtrack first and foremost, i think in many ways it compares with some of Hans Zimmer and John Willams' best work. do i think that the track 'The Game Has Changed' is better than the Dark Knight theme, even though there is much similarity? yes. Would i put "End of Line" on equal footing with the Imperial March? yes. some my cry heresy, but if you look at the tracks side by side, its clear they belong in the same space. even the more traditional sounding tracks like Adagio for Tron are beautiful and organic and have a very timeless quality about them. what other artist can do such variety of work and still be unmistakably two French freaks in Cyborg costumes?

i think too many people were looking for Homework, when they should have been looking for Tron:Legacy OST.

Comment Re:Thoughts? (Score 1) 412

makes me wish i actually signed up when i was reading this back in high school... its ok, i'll let the other old fogeys think i'm young and devilishly handsome, it gives me an air of superiority via vitality.

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