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Comment Re:Larsen != Larson (Score 1) 210

My name is three characters long and I have to spell it out to people, even though pronounced it's grammatically correct they add an extra t to the end of it the few times they hear what I say.

At least when Peter Sunde got famous I could stop spelling out my last name... bloody Sweeds.

Comment Re:Proof please. (Score 1) 441

In a real democracy the opposition can be far more than 49% when there is more than two of them. The difference is that every now and again America gets it's panties in a bunch and decides to invade a country despite not having permission from anyone to do so or decides to overthrow an government by funding revolutionaries. The rest of the world reacting to Americas policy's is a matter of self defense at this point, don't fool yourself into thinking it's because half the people respectfully disagree as you re-elect the loonies for a second term.

Comment Great (Score 1) 221

We are one step closer to killing that "Todays youth"-meme that has been going on for probably well over 2000 years.

Society needs to understand that everyone does stupid shit once in a while and it's, OK. Yes I'm talking you you, judgmental random people (no not you, the other guy, no not him the one in the red shirt yeah HIM!).

Comment Re:Simple Solution (Score 1) 326

Maybe people realized that putting your name on the Internet doesn't mean people will show up at your doorstep and rape you. Also now that hundreds of millions of people (billions?) on the Internet there's plenty of people who share the same name.

Except for me because someone thought it was a good idea to name me after an American comic book character, an old-Swedish middle name and a Norwegian lastname. Thanks!

The only thing I'm really worried about is a potential future employer googling me and finding drunken rant of mine (as to say I'd tell the employer I was drunk at the time..).

Comment Re:Ubuntu is not up to scratch (Score 1) 710

I installed ruby on windows for the first time today with the windows one click installer, it worked like magic.

I don't see how strawberry perl is particularly hard to install I even think it's easier to use on windows as it doesn't keep nagging you about internet access when I grab something of CPAN.

Then there's vbscript and jscript interpreters built into windows already.

I've yet to install python but I expect it to be as equally easy. I think you might be way of base on that point.

I run Ubuntu as my desktop OS.

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