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Comment Re:The best option (Score 1) 126

I had a math teacher that did this. He had a netbook running Fedora and would use it to record audio and the overhead screen during classes. Since most of what he wrote up there were proofs, it helped a great deal. Last I heard, he and some other people (he's more of a CS guy than anything), were working on some software to stream the classes while in progress, as well as allow interaction from students not physically present.

Comment Re:Age (Score 1) 466

For me it wasn't age. I simply started making more money than I did before and my time became more valuable. Buying games in store, having to install each one by disk and manually patch everything wasn't any better for me than pirating all of them and stashing them on a spare hard drive somewhere. I stopped pirating games because steam was more convenient and cheaper (time vs money). I've even re-bought some of the games I own on dvd media on steam so I wouldn't have to worry about keeping track of the disks or manually patching after an OS reinstallation.

Comment The only reason... (Score 1) 362

I rarely play on a console unless I'm playing a game like Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 with a friend on splitscreen. I prefer PC's for online gaming and I avoid games populated almost entirely by 12-year old brats like COD (at least most teenagers can't afford a gaming PC). Some of my most memorable moments in gaming the past few years were in my friend's living room eating pizza, drinking vodka, and killing zombies. ("Hey, keep that fire away from my vodka!")

Comment Too stupid... (Score 1) 398

> Sixty-one % of Americans don't know what an integral is. > Sixty-one % of Americans don't know the difference between a router and a switch. > Sixty-one % of Americans think "Internet Explorer" is the internet. Average Americans are too stupid to decide whether or not the "President" should have the right to have such a "kill switch"

Comment Re:I predict more are going to jump ship from Micr (Score 1) 480

I'm the only computer savvy person in my family atm. About a year ago I got a few copies of MS Office 2007 for free and installed them on 3 of our computers. I hated the new interface and only used it for a few specific situations. My mom and my sister couldn't figure it out and asked me to put 2003 back on there. I installed open-office and told them it was ppretty much the same thing.

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