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Comment Re:Vodka (Score 1) 770

Seriously, I haven't had a single problem with it thus far, aside from the minor gripe of it not liking Mathematica too much just yet. But I would submit that that's a Wolfram problem and not a Microsoft problem.

Comment Re:Windows Upgrades (Score 1) 570

Fresh install ultimate x64. 20 minutes, no reformat required. I know some people will have gripes about this and that, but this OS is a HUGE upgrade from xp64. So much more compatibility of devices than xp64, and a considerable improvement in user interface design/appeal. Snow Leopard can suck it, Win7's a friggin' polar bear.

Comment Re:Until... (Score 1) 419

Sounds like a successful business to me. Understand that while all you environmentalists gripe about "green energy this" and "conspiracy theory that", ExxonMobil continues to do what a good American company should do: make money and pay taxes to the US Government. They paid roughly a sixth of the US defense budget in 2008 (something like 116 bn in taxes.. that's right, the US government made twice the money off of "exploiting the people" that ExxonMobil stock holders did). They're a business, they exist to make profit. Shame on you for expecting them to blindly cooperate with your vision of the future just because you and people like you will it. Especially when they have been researching new energy sources for automobiles and collaborating with Toyota on new engine technologies.

You live in America. Profit is a good thing, not obscene.

Comment Re:Senate likely to pass treaty (Score 1) 239

Yeah it'll be up there on Thomas. For the last five minutes before the vote because no one wants anyone to know what it says until it's too late. People always get after our Congress for moving so slow. In situations like this, I think they move too fast. It is becoming increasingly clear that the checks and balances of our government are buckling and eroding as a result of two parties that have become experts at gaming the system. The ability of the people to control their government is but a shadow of what the framers designed, for the government has learned how to effectively control the people.

Comment Re:Scalzi on Stross on ST (Score 1) 809

May have been? No, it absolutely was. The story of how Romulus got destroyed, and everything surrounding it, was EPIC laziness on the part of JJ Abrams and his backwards retarded science advisor. Black hole juice has got to top the list of bullshit technologies I've seen in ALL of star trek, including Endgame. Not to mention a whole host of rife inaccuracies with the rest of the universe which should have remained the same, reboot or not. Abrams made a great movie (seriously!). But it wasn't Star Trek.

Comment Re:Scalzi on Stross on ST (Score 1) 809

Actually, as a HUGE star trek fan, I tend to agree with him. Although I'd take it further and say that Star Trek, Star Wars, BSG, Babylon 5, and more recently Stargate have all done this. Writers insert crazy technology into a current writing without any thought as to the implications to the universe theyre creating or to the universe they already have. For instance, how about that "Wormhole Drive" McKay pulled out of his ass in the series finale of Atlantis?

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