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Comment Re:DRM (Score 4, Interesting) 151

Only when you control the kernel/boot loader. I have a feeling that this will be used a lot by vendors to lock you out of your own devices, e.g. Android phones etc.

I'm as paranoid as the next geek, and the idea of secure boot etc. appeals a lot to me if done correctly. As in, if it's MY device, then I get to decide what runs on it, and no one else. But it's a tool, and as such it can be used both for you and against you. There can't be a technical solution, technology is dumb. We need a legal solution, either in the form of regulation or widespread adoption (and enforcement) of the GPLv3.

Comment Re:This sounds like a money grab (Score 1) 97

Right - but I wouldn't use the same name for Rapidshare if I were to create an account there, at least for any shady business. I think you can even find my real name from my usual nickname if you look hard enough, I don't particularly care about that.

Don't get your hopes up about komoot, I tried to use the Android app as a bicycle satnav, but it didn't work too well. OpenRouteService (with OsmAnd) is much better. :-)

Comment Re:This sounds like a money grab (Score 4, Informative) 97

This explanation is incomplete, of course, since presumably the uploader is also on the hook for copyright violation, and you have to register an account to upload anything (I think), but there are few uploaders and many downloaders, so the explanation above could still work on average.

Who registers accounts with real personal data?

This post brought to you by Mr. Jesus Christ, Downing Street 10, Washington DC, Russia.

Comment Re:The point (Score 1) 534


Empty of people. It is a comment on human nature.

In that case, I disagree. If anything can be said about human nature, it's that it isn't static. In a society so thoroughly permeated by violence, of course human nature becomes violent. That doesn't mean it always has to be that way.

I took the GP to mean that without war and violence, life would be empty and dull, implying that conflict makes life worth living.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
