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Comment Re:shocker! (Score 1) 54

the corporations are full of shitbags, news at 11

FTFY. Oh, and an offtopic educational link for you grocers and foreigners and others who don't understand English:
I see enough of that shit on Farcebook. Note, I've been staying away from /. for the same reason, the normals have taken over the site.

Comment Re:Make that PUBMTATMTBAOITS (Score 1) 53

That's why they changed it from "Unidentified Flying Object" to "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". The one I saw a half century ago was certainly not a space ship, unless Douglas Adams was right about scale, because it was smaller than a basketball. It was bright and fuzzy, rode next to my car for a couple of miles until I crossed a stream, when it zigged at 45 MPH at a right angle and followed the stream.

I wondered what it was for years before I learned about ball lightning, which is what it had to have been. My guess is ball lightning is a lot more common up there where the fighter jets play.

Comment IMAP standard feature (Score 1) 21

the update, which was meant to allow users to sync data across devices.

Why would I use any sort of third party service for what any IMAP server and client can do all by themselves? My devices have no problem whatsoever syncing email data and state without that, thank you very much.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The old camera... 1

A while back I discovered that they’re selling photographic film again, so I bought a package of three rolls of 35mm Kodak color film. Not sure what I’ll photograph, but the Minolta 35 mm SLR takes a hell of a lot better pictures than my phone. Actually, than any phone—and any digital camera.
I got home, set the film aside (it’s a lot more expensive than the last time I used film) and looked for my camera, which hadn’t been use

Comment Re:Teh Google! (Score 1) 6

Again, it's giving me wingnut sites from both wings. I'd far rather get it from mainstream sites that have proven their validity over time so I didn't have to check Snopes or Politifact.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Motive 3

All the cops and newspapers are searching for a motive in the horrific mass murder in Las Vegas last week. No connection to any terrorist groups, no indication at all that it would happen, and the newspapers are all asking “Why??”

The answer is simple and I can’t figure out why nobody else can figure it out.

Comment Teh Google! (Score 1) 6

I always referred to the earlier engine as "Infosuck" but damn, Google's getting bad. When I open Google News in Firefox on my tablet, I get a blank page unless I click "request desktop site" and then it still goes nuts. But then, it might be my crappy tablet that I'll probably write about.

The answer is Google broke Google. I've been getting served a misandrist site from there, Breitbart (famous for its fake news) and wingnut sites from both wings. Did Sergey retire or something?

Comment I had no idea (Score 1) 3

Not until I was at S/N earlier and someone journaled about it. Lately I never visit /.'s front page, just friends' journals. The comments on the main page have just gotten too damned retarded.

Slashdot seems to not be for smart people any more. To misquote 2001: "My God! It's full of morons!"

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